Autism Training For Teachers - Autism Special Needs Training And Teaching Strategies


Autism Advisor

Autism Training For Teachers

Autism special needs training and teaching strategies may include:

For some nonverbal children with autism, it would be easier for them to associate words with pictures if they see both the printed picture and the printed word on the same side of a flash card. It is advised that you work with real objects and photos first, because some of them are unable to understand line drawings. Autism Training For Teachers

Some children with autism special needs don\'t recognize that speech is actually used in order for us to communicate with others. Learning how to speak can be made easy by doing language exercises that encourage communication. When your child is asking for a spoon, provide him/her with a spoon. When your child is asking for a glass, when he/she really wants a spoon, provide him/her with a glass. The child needs to be taught that when he/she speaks and says the words, what they say actually happens.

Children that find it hard to understand speech, has difficulty in differentiating between the hard or voiced consonant sounds such as 'L' in log and 'D' in dog. Enunciating and stretching these sounds will help the child learn to hear the sounds. If your child has successfully passed a 'pure tone hearing test', he/she may still find it difficult to hear hard consonants. Children who only speak using vowel sounds are unable to hear the consonant sounds. Autism Training For Teachers

Using the television sets closed captions feature has proven to be helpful in making your child learn how to read. It will allow your child to read the printed words on the captions and match them with the spoken words. It would be best if you could record the favorite program of your child with captions and play it over and over again.

Children with autism special needs that has visual processing challenges can see the flicker on television old CRT computer monitors. Flat panel television sets and laptops flicker a lot less and some children with autism see better on them.

Teaching children with autism how to generalize things has always been a big challenge to their care providers. To teach your child the rule of not to suddenly run across a street, you need to teach the principle to your child in many different places. If you only teach your child in one location, he/she might assume that the principle is only applicable to that specific location only. Autism Training For Teachers

If you think that there is 'something not right' with your child you must find out as soon as possible if autism is the issue. Treatments are less effective with each passing day as we grow older, so find out now with the complete autism resource for determining symptoms and goes into depth about ALL treatment options for autism, natural AND medical. Includes a mountain of information concisely written to cover all the important topics such as symptoms, all treatments, training and teaching information for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Autism Training For Teachers program now!

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Feeling lost without solutions? Autism Training For Teachers is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

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Autism Research Paper - Celiac Disease, Autism & Developmental Disorders


Autism Advisor

Autism Research Paper

It appears that the basis of this story traces back to a 1998 medical paper that suggested that autistic children often suffered from a problem called 'leaky gut' / 'autistic entercolitis'.

The idea was that opiates found in gluten and casein (dairy) were released when gluten food was improperly digested. This happened when the GI tract was damaged by such things as celiac disease. The opiates then supposedly were released into the bloodstream causing or increasing obvious autistic like symptoms. This paper is now widely discredited and retracted. Autism Research Paper

The current concern is that the \'bounce back effect\' from such a retraction is the discrediting of celiac disease in healthy and autistic children. For those unaware of \'Developmental disorders\' in children they cover five main categories. These are:


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit disorder (ADD)

Non-verbal learning disorder (NLD)

Pervasive development disorder (PDD)


Some of the symptoms of celiac disease and/ or milk intolerance on the Gastro Intestinal (GI) tract in children are:

- Bloating/swollen tummy

- Breaking wind frequently

- Constipation

- Craving/ dislike for certain foods

- Dark shadows under the eyes

- Diarrhea

- Eating non-food items e.g. earth, paper, sand, soap

- Excessive sweating, especially at night

- Giggling/ screaming for no apparent reason

- Gut disorders in the family

- Inability to control body temperature

- Pale skin/pasty face

It appears that the most rigorous research into the possible links between celiac disease (or other GI disorders) and autism (or other related Developmental disorders) are coming from American PEDIATRICS department studies. Autism Research Paper

One definition of Autism is that that it is that it is a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) that is generally manifested in the first 3 years of life and characterized by dysfunction in social interaction and communication AND although not included in the diagnostic criteria, there have been many reports describing gastrointestinal symptoms in 9to 84of children with autism. Autism Research Paper

However the very latest papers released in January 2010 suggest that 'care providers should be aware that problem behavior in patients with ASD\'s may be the primary or sole symptom of the underlying medical condition, including some gastrointestinal disorders. Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Autism Research Paper program now!

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Feeling lost without solutions? Autism Research Paper is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

Try The Program and change child\'s life forever!

How To Know Which Foods To Avoid If Your Child Has ADHD


Robert William Locke

Nutrition and ADHD is a hot topic right now in the ADHD blogs and forums. You, as a parent will be paying more and more attention to the foods to avoid if you have an ADHD child.

Foods to avoid for ADHD can be summed up very easily - less sugar, salt and food colourings/additives. Let us look more closely at what this involves for a parent running a family with a thousand things to think about and remember. In the UK, there are far too many schools still serving fast food in the form of chips/French fries, pizza and sausages. In spite of Jamie Oliver\'s best efforts, there are not many schools which will serve fruit and vegetables, salads and other healthy snacks. That is the healthiest diet any child can have whether they have ADHD or not.

At home, it is best to avoid any instant food such as powdered soups which are bound to contain MSG (monosodium glutamate). This latter additive has a very high salt content.

Sugar itself does not cause hyperactivity but it can lead to spikes in glucose levels which will cause mood swings. Sugary foods to avoid if you have a child with ADHD child will range from sweetened yogurts, ice cream, chocolate, breakfast cereals, energy bars and any sweetened drinks. All sugars are not created equal and if you opt for honey that can be beneficial as the pollen it contains can help with allergies. Molasses also contain trace minerals and iron. Soda and pop are also to be avoided as the additives they contain have been shown to be a contributing factor to ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity and inappropriate behaviour. The UK and the EU have how taken steps to ban these and some colourings from food products.

As well as thinking seriously about which foods to avoid if you have an ADHD child, you will also have to think of what kind of medication to help your child cope with ADHD symptoms. There are now more and more doubts being raised about ADHD meds which are basically psychostimulants. Medical authorities and experts now tell us that a combination therapy of medication, diet and behaviour therapy is the best approach. But which medication? Natural cures which use homeopathy for ADHD are now regarded as being more effective, safer and free from side effects. As well as the foods to avoid if you have a child with ADHD, why not think about which medications to avoid?

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Natural ADHD treatment is available.

My Son Can\'t Focus - What Every Parent Needs To Know


Robert William Locke

What can have happened? What is in the environment, kids\' food that has made the number of cases of ADHD to skyrocket in the last ten years? These are really important questions. The most common symptom of ADHD is lack of focus and most parents of ADHD kids say \'my son can\'t focus\'.

The question of focus was even brought up recently in the British Parliament when an MP put forward some research which suggests that increased use of Internet could be a possible cause of ADHD. Why could this be true? More research needs to be done, obviously, but it has been pointed out that online relationships do NOT require a sensitivity to the inflection of the voice, eye contact, tone of voice or body language. Too much time online could mean that the child will not focus because of the ease of instant gratification obtained by the media. The same goes for texting and cell phones.

Many parents are unaware or simply forget that when they complain that \'my son can\'t focus\' they are forgetting the fact that sometimes hyperfocus comes into play and they forget about this. The fact of the matter is that kids with ADHD often have widely different levels of inattention and this can go from one extreme of complete inattentiveness to that of a hyperfocused state where the activity is so riveting for the child, that he becomes oblivious of everything else around him.

Often boring and necessary tasks like homework will have no appeal to the ADHD child because it does not give the instant gratification that other tasks or activities give, such as a movie or computer game. \'My son can\'t focus\' will not just include a lack of attention to detail or forgetting his schoolbag. It seems to be a much more complex issue.

When and if ADHD is diagnosed, there will be many types of treatment competing for your attention. You may not want to blast your child\'s brain with powerful mind altering psychostimulants such as Strattera and Ritalin which can have some nasty side effects such as chest pains, irregular heart beat, blurred vision, liver damage and sometimes even stunted growth. What about a homeopathic remedy which will use non addictive ingredients in a gentler remedy which will improve concentration, memory and will calm your child? The child will not focus will be a thing of the past. There are no side effects either. Soon, you will not be repeating the complaint that \'my son can\'t focus\'.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what natural ADHD medications are available.
Smart parenting is the key to successful ADHD treatment and the problem child. Sign up for FREE Parenting tips on
child behavior problems

Inattentive ADHD- Three Action Points For Parents


Robert William Locke

Inattentive ADHD which is a subtype of ADHD is often under diagnosed for one very simple reason. The fact that hyperactivity is not the prominent symptom means that it often goes unnoticed. The inattentive ADHD child is quiet and daydreaming and this does not disturb the teacher or the class. Very often inattentive ADHD children sit at the back of the class which is another reason why it tends to get ignored.

The first action point is to determine whether you should seek a medical diagnosis. It is important that this should be done not before the age of four or five. Very often a child forgets things, is distractive and impulsive too, on occasions. It is when these symptoms start impinging on the child\'s home and school life that you should start to think of getting a diagnosis.

The second action point is to talk to the child\'s teacher and ask just what is the problem and what things the teacher has observed. Obviously, for this type of ADHD, if indeed it is eventually diagnosed, daydreaming will be most often mentioned. But there are other things to ask about too. For example, are there problems with instructions? Very often with this ADHD predominantly inattentive type, the frontal and parietal parts of the brain are affected although neurologists do not know exactly how or why. This is the part of the brain which is sort of an action or planning unit which helps us to organise and execute actions when we have to do them and how we should carry them out. This is often called executive functioning..

The third action point for parents, if inattentive ADHD type is diagnosed, is to consider carefully what type of medication will be the most suitable for their child. The problem with ADHD drugs and psychostimulants is that they often help with some of the symptoms of inattentive ADHD and may help the child to focus but the side effects and the long term risks need to be evaluated. The most important thing is that the parents and the school are concentrating on teaching the child skills whereby he or she can cope with tasks. Breaking the task down into smaller chunks is an obvious way to help.

Thousands of parents are no longer falling for hype about ADHD drugs and will have nothing to do with them. Why not find out what alternative treatments are available for the ADHD predominantly inattentive type?

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Natural ADHD treatment is available

Adhd Success Stories and Challenges


Robert William Locke

Success Stories

Parents of children with ADHD are often a bit worried that their children will be considered inferior and may well not be successful in life. There is a great debate at the moment about whether ADHD is to be thought of as a gift or as a challenge. Look at the famous people who have had ADHD:- Richard Branson, Ty Pennington, Charles Schwab and Whoopi Goldberg. They have been enormously successful.

Many people forget that the gift ADHD children possess in abundance is the ability to focus - I know some who can write extraordinarily well and I know others who can do certain things with great skill. Oftentimes they need to be guided and encouraged by their teachers and parents but they can and do make a go of it!

I have just seen press reports from New South Wales in Australia where doctors have seen a worrying surge in the number of psychostimulant drugs being prescribed for children with attention deficit disorder. Ritalin and Concerta, two popular drugs have seen an increase of almost 70 Figures are similar in the USA and in Britain.


These medications for attention deficit have had a very bad press at times. They are NOT a cure for ADHD but rather will keep symptoms under control. Some good news is that in a recent study, no damage to the DNA or chromosomes which is normally linked to cancer was found in the children who took the trial. This was a very limited trial though, I must say.

Adult attention deficit disorders, on the other hand have had not much press at all and this is worrying. We all know the ADHD symptoms in a child. Did you know that between 1 and 2of the adults in America have problems in controlling their impulses and have great difficulties in concentrating ? Very often symptoms in adults are difficult to spot. Have you noticed yourself (or colleagues) who are easily distracted, are notorious multi-taskers, get extremely irritated when driving, have difficulty in remembering details and also may have even hourly mood swings? They could well be suffering from ADHD but very often this will go undetected and undiagnosed.

Medications for attention deficit and/or hyperactivity still pose problems. Those with heart conditions are likely to suffer from related cardio problems and even have high blood pressure. Add to that that there is often a suppression of appetite and you have a cocktail which will probably create more problems for the patient than they solve.


Parents often seek an ADHD alternative therapy. Diet, exercise and changes in routine can all have a beneficial effect. The great advantage in using herbal or homeopathic remedies is that they have no side effects and sedation is not a problem either. Find out more about a natural cure for ADHD by clicking on the link below.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

ADHD Alternative Treatments - 4 Powerful Non-medical Treatments For ADHD


Abhishek Agarwal

The movement away from using stimulants and medication that includes stimulants for the treatment of ADHD has resulted in a growing market for alternative treatments. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has grown massively as a recognized illness in the past twenty years. What is surprising is that there is still a limited amount of treatments available which could be classed as \'alternative\'. What follows are four powerful non-medical treatments.

1. Brainwave Bio-feedback Training

2. Behavior Modification Therapy

3. Eating / Diet Interventions

4. Nutraceutical Medicines known as Extress and Attend

These therapies can be very helpful and give significant advantages in some situations. They are excellent when combined with the expertise of a counselor who has experience working with ADD and ADHD. Unfortunately many counselors will have little knowledge of working with people with these disorders.

'Attend' and 'Extress' have both been found to be superb substitutes for stimulant treatment medicines. Both of these are complicated procedures, engineered so as to achieve optimum efficiency in brain activity in individuals experiencing problems with concentration, with overcoming rage, with impulse control, with listening and paying attention, or with hyperactivity.

EEG Biofeedback training which is also known to many as Neuro feedback, has been around for at least twenty years. In that sense it may be seen by some as old technology, but it has not stood still in that time. With the development of super fast computers the technology has grown into a recognised alternative treatment for healing of ADD. And over the time it has taken to enhance the methods, a huge amount of study has taken place into EEG Biofeedback. There are many websites and a wealth of information available on this including EEG Spectrum, and other treatment alternatives are also documented well.

Eating plans and diet improvements can also have significant constructive effects on people with ADD or with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Even though we are reluctant to accept that this involvement can be applied as effectively overall as either Attend and Extress, or a session of EEG Biofeedback methods, we certainly do consider that each person with ADHD should try diet involvement.

A lot of people with ADD and ADHD will be assisted by nutritional supplements. Among the most effective supplements are often Essential Fatty Acids also often known as Omega Oils. It is also important to use supplementary minerals such as Zinc. The 'Attend' nutraceutical will provide the necessary fatty acids. You also get them in Borage Oil or Flax Seed Oil. They can in addition be found in fish, and you can just give your child more of tuna fish to eat.

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Abhishek has got some great ADHD Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 76 Pages Ebook, 'Understanding And Treating ADHD!' from his website .Only limited Free Copies available.

New Adhd Drug - Advantages and Drawbacks


Robert William Locke

What have Hitler\'s troops and ADHD children got in common? Well, they were/are both on amphetamines! The troops had to have energy to perform their \'blitzkrieg\' and the ADHD kids need them to focus. It is no secret that GIs in WWII were given amphetamines to combat fatigue. The ADHD psychostimulant drugs which contain amphetamine and dextroamphetamine are now getting a bad press because of their nasty side effects, especially as they can become addictive and lead to drug abuse. A new non-stimulant drug Tenex used for ADHD has now hit the scene.

Tenex and ADHD
Tenex is a drug for high blood pressure which helps the arteries to relax allowing the heart to beat more easily. Basically the drug acts on the prefrontal cortex of the brain and lessens the impact of incoming stimuli, thus helping the patient to focus much better. It has been estimated that up to 30of children on ADHD psychostimulants have problems with their side effects and therefore Tenex used for ADHD seems to be a valid alternative. . You may see it advertised as Guanfacine or Dipresan in countries outside the USA.

Side Effects of Tenex
Of course Tenex has side effects which range from drowsiness, headache, constipation, feelings of weakness, dry mouth and feeling dizzy. There are also reports of heart rate slowing down (even below 60 beats a minute) which can be quite alarming for a child. Sometimes blood pressure can oscillate between very high and very low. In addition, children have reported the sensation of their throat closing and a swelling of the tongue and lips. Hives, depression and a feeling of fatigue complete the picture! This drug has been used also to rehabilitate drug users who find that the slowing of the heart rate helps them in their withdrawal symptoms. Tenex used for ADHD could be the usual two edged sword.

The jury is still out on Tenex and ADHD and understandably so ! It seems that we are replacing one set of side effects with another. The fact that it is a non-stimulant drug does not matter. What matters is that the side effects may cause more problems than it solves. Because of this, many parents refuse to go down the ADHD medication road and especially that of Tenex used for ADHD as it is a relatively new drug and the long term effects are uncharted waters. They are looking for alternative ADHD remedies which are non-addictive, safe and above all free from side effects. The link below will answer all your questions about this treatment so that you can make an informed choice.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Autistic Children And Music - Good Activities For Children With Autism


Autism Advisor

Autistic Children And Music

Here\'s select fine and fun activities suggestions for autistic children:

1. You could play with him in a swimming pool. Make a splashing game or a kick game. Get some clear pool toys or beach toys covet beach ball, floating rings, etc. Sing a song so he could easily swim with the beat and feel relax. Remember to keep a good eye on the child additonally in a pool. Autistic Children And Music

2. In a class, you could print out some pictures of eating, sports, going to the bathroom, sleep and everything that may happen in his daily life. Let him make a schedule for himself, he should like this activity, because children with autism take constant schedules very seriously. And if the schedule they followed everyday is broken, it will ruin their day badly.

3. Big tupperware items filled with rice or beans will be fun, you can put little toys in them and have the autistic child put his hand into the rice or beans to find them. The game could make a mess, but they would love it.

4. Sensory play is widely suggested, too. You could take the child to a children\'s museum if there\'s one nearby. Commonly, there will be something that could interests the child.

5. Structured activities with a clear start, middle and end are always good for children with autism because they like rules, organization and structure. Gymanasitics is a common game that autistic children do well at since there is less reliance on language(children with autism often have little communication skills) but a lot of motor movement and imitation. Autistic Children And Music

6. If music can calm the child down, you can introduce different instruments to him, with some music playing gently in the background. You can let him beat a drum and learn different rhythms.

7. There are some therapeutic horse riding groups that you can participate in, children can learn to feed and take care of horses in their lessons.

8. Every child with autism is different, you should find out his likes and dislikes and continue to do the things he seems to enjoy. Autistic Children And Music

Hope this helpful! Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Autistic Children And Music program now!

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Feeling lost without solutions? Autistic Children And Music is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

Try The Program and change child\'s life forever!

Herbal Supplements for Adhd - Fact or Fiction ?


Robert William Locke

If my child takes herbal supplements for ADHD, it is natural so it must be good! This is a fictional belief in that it is superficial, to say the least. Herbal supplements for treating ADHD must be approached with the same caution as that in using ADHD conventional medication.

FDA Warnings

When the FDA in 2006 told pharmaceutical companies to put warning labels on ADHD medicines, alarm bells started sounding in many parents\' heads. There ARE potential health risks and these can range from stunted growth, insomnia, mood swings and even cardiac arrest. It is a fact and if you do not believe me, try visiting the FDA site for a horror trip through the psychostimulant drugs jungle. Another alarming fact is that US doctors are three times as likely to prescribe these drugs than their European counterparts. A sad fact is that young people joining the Military in the US may not be accepted if they have been on ADHD medication up to a year before their application. They are regarded as second class drug users.

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements for ADHD are one of the alternatives that worried parents are now taking much more seriously than before. They are no longer content to dose their children with powerful mind altering drugs. Herbal supplements have had a very long history - as old as man himself who sought relief from various ailments by extracting healing substances from the plant world around him. All the ancient civilisations from Egypt, China, Ancient Rome used herbs extensively in medication. Ayurvedic, Chinese and Native American medical systems all use herbs for medication purposes. Examples are valerian extract for insomnia, turmeric as an anti-inflammatory agent for arthritis and stinging nettle for enlarged prostate.

World Health Organisation

Even to-day, the fact that the majority of the world\'s population are poor and have to survive on less than $2 a day means that up to 80STILL use herbal medicine. This is a WHO estimate. What are the herbal supplements for treating ADHD? Skullcap, Ginkgo Biloba, Avena, Chamomile and Valerian have all been used to successful help children alleviate ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity, restlessness, fidgeting, inattention and limited concentration span.

Homeopathic ADHD Remedies

Homeopathic ADHD remedies are becoming enormously popular in that they are not addictive. When looking at the product ( and the small print!), you should be able to check if the actual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Is the product a registered OTC homeopathic remedy? You should also check the reputation of the company. You may be looking for guarantees and assurances that the products have not been rested on animals and also if they are gluten and lactose free. All these questions are answered in the link below which will reassure you that ADHD herbal supplements/homeopathic remedies are by far the best option around.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Treating Adhd Without Medication -Latest News And Research


Robert William Locke

When you read about a new ADHD drug which is about to hit the market and which the company describes as \'an important addition to our ADHD portfolio\', don\'t get too excited! Yes, it is another stimulant but the company assures us that this particular compound will make it less abusable! So, nothing has changed. That is why more and more parents will not take these risks and are looking for ways of treating ADHD without medication.

While controlling ADHD without meds may be an arduous task, there are ways in which symptoms can be alleviated making life bearable again for harassed parents. ADHD drugs are so full of unknowns that thousands of parents have discovered ADHD homeopathic treatments which are effective and safe and there is no risk of addiction. Controlling ADHD without meds by using exercise, diet, cognitive and behaviour therapy plus parenting skills can help your child so much that he will be much less dependable on ADHD medication itself.

Look at the latest experiment as regards exercise for kids which was carried out by the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This program was called ABC for Fitness. The schools that took part in this program found that there was a reduction by up to a third of children having to take ADHD medication. That compared very favourably with the other schools who had not taken part in the program. Their reduction amounted to only 7

Organising sports activities is now seen as another way of treating ADHD without medication or at least drastically reducing its impact. Green time activities and contact with nature have all been shown to be effective in reducing some of the ADHD symptoms such as restlessness, hyperactivity and fidgeting. The University of Illinois did a study which established that green time really did help children to be more attentive in class afterwards. Setting up a playground or adapting another space to make sure that trees, grassy areas and gardens are included is essential. Sports activities can be as varied as the child\'s interests and skills. Some sports like soccer require a team effort , some require very tight focus. Track sports and swimming may be suitable for more hyperactive kids. Just think how much more healthy these are in comparison to spending time indoors on the consoles with a violent video game such as God of War where sex and violence seem to increase their aggressiveness, anger and hyperactivity. They have no way of letting off steam in a healthy safe environment.

Other research in the UK at the Durham County Schools has shown that use of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids in the form of supplements really did have a beneficial effect on kids\' behaviour and definite improvements in attention and concentration were noted in the kids who took part in the experiment.

These are just a few ways parents are learning how to cope with treating ADHD without medication or at least using a homeopathic treatment which will calm the child and soothe his nerves and the parents can become normal and happy again. If you think this is wishful thinking, just visit the site below to learn a few surprising facts about controlling ADHD without meds.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Limbic Adhd Treatment - Facts For Parents


Robert William Locke

Most people believe that there are just three types of ADHD. Now that has become six as more and more is being discovered about this disorder. Type 5 is known as limbic ADHD and basically this is the classic ADHD symptoms together with depression, low energy levels and minimum motivation. Limbic ADHD treatment will vary from other types of ADHD treatment as the depression symptoms together with a sense of hopelessness can complicate matters.

It is possible that many more cases of limbic ADHD exist as it is now calculated that 25of ADHD cases may also have depression symptoms, so this type may be much more common than was thought. The patient has to cope with the classic symptoms of inattention, distractability together with apathy, low self esteem and insomnia. The limbic area of the brain controls our emotions, moods and motivation. The good news is that ADHD natural remedies can help the patient to be more focused and lift the mood as well.

What is the best limbic ADHD treatment to opt for? Inevitably there is great debate about this and the experts rarely agree. No surprises there ! Some recommend Welburtin which is one of the most widely used anti-depressants on the market. Others recommend psychostimulants (Ritalin, Focalin and Conecrta) but they should be given in small doses. I know some experts who treat this disorder with both an anti-depressant and a psychostimulant.

A Chinese herb known as Huperzia serrata or Huperzine A is being studied in clinical trials at Harvard University. It has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from epilepsy, Alzheimers and also those suffering from limbic ADHD. More research needs to be done.

Another limbic ADHD treatment recommended by some experts is how to develop relaxation techniques together with management of stress and organisational skills.

There is little doubt now that a multi-faceted treatment approach is the best one for ADHD and limbic ADHD is no exception. This favours exercise, diet, supplements, school and parental support along with medication. But which medication? ADHD meds have had a stormy ride due to some very alarming side effects and also due to the fact that they do NOT cure ADHD and are not effective in the long term. Much better to take the multi-faceted approach and substitute mind altering drugs with ADHD natural remedies Limbic ADHD can be managed just as successfully by opting for this type of treatment.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Vitamins for Adhd Kids - Can They Really Help ?


Robert William Locke

Vitamins for ADHD kids are going to play a key role in any healthy balanced nutritious diet. Processed foods lack certain vitamins or they do not even come near the RDA (Recommended Daily Amount). They have plenty of colourings and additives which are harmful and now there is a movement to ban them from kids\' food products. Maryland has become the first USA state to ban them from 2010 and the warning will be: ' The color additives in this food may cause hyperactivity and behavior problems in some children.

Many parents dread the idea of giving their kids pills to take and sometimes they resist unless you can hide them in their food. A good tip to remember is to buy them in capsules so that they can easily be stirred into smoothies or any other liquid food such as sauces etc.

Why bother with vitamins for ADHD kids at all? Are they going to help and why isn\'t medication enough? We all know that certain food like caffeine and chocolate are stimulants which tend to make us bouncy and full of energy. Sugary drinks and carbohydrates will increase the level of blood sugar causing highs and when this falls, we have a sudden loss of energy which will cause listlessness. It is better to avoid these \'crashes\' where possible, especially when we are talking about diet for ADHD children.

The Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils contained in fish and flaxseed are known to be very beneficial for kids with ADHD and indeed for a host of other conditions as well from arthritis to cholesterol control. A good idea would be to introduce these for the whole family. Fish oil capsules can be taken every day.

The only way to make sure that vitamins for ADHD kids are the right amount is to make sure that they have a balanced healthy and nutritious diet and you can follow the food pyramid for that. Protein triggers alertness in the brain while certain carbohydrates will encourage drowsiness. This is why protein is king. That is why it is so important to have enough protein both at breakfast and at lunch. One expert maintains that only about 5of ADHD children are getting enough protein. The basic daily amount for kids is up to 30 grams of protein. A cup of soya milk, an egg and an ounce of meat can provide up to 20 grams so it is not difficult to reach the daily dose.

The correct amount of vitamins for ADHD kids given in the right foods will affect their behaviour and will make life easier for everyone in the family. But a diet for ADHD children, parenting and support at school are not enough. You will also have to look at a natural remedy for ADHD which will help calm the child and help him to focus on tasks and reduce distractability. The ideal solution can be found in the link below this article.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available

Useful Strategies For Parenting An Impulsive Child


Robert William Locke

Before we look at some useful ways of parenting an impulsive child, let us look at what causes this impulsivity. Basically any child with ADHD has a chemical imbalance in the brain. It simply means that he or she does not have all the elements to organize thoughts and actions such as concentrating, focusing and lots of other tasks that we do every day automatically. I know one specialist who has likened it to a child being blindfolded and there is just one hole in the blindfold. The child is confronted with making a decision or acting and has a limited vision of the situation. The child lashes out or grabs a toy or hits another child or dashes across the road. The chemicals he needs to look at the bigger picture, to enable him to think about any consequences of his actions are all missing or patchy and therefore his choices are extremely limited.

Here are some useful strategies for parenting an impulsive child and treating impulsive behaviours.

1. Be aware that some strong emotions can trigger impulsive behaviours and try to reduce these to an absolute minimum. These can range from the excitement of getting a new toy, a critical parent or teacher or an irritating sibling.

2. Organise plenty of activities which can provide a harmless outlet for impulsive actions. These can range from listening to music, sports, physical exercise and video games. Also activities such as a freeze dance can teach them more body control which helps in controlling impulsivity.

3. Talk to the child immediately after the impulsive action and in a non-threatening or belligerent way. Try to reason with the child and you will have to adapt your approach depending on their age. Make sure that you have system of rewards and consequences in place and the child knows and understands these. These are all essential elements in parenting an impulsive child.

4. Try to teach the child to learn to count to ten, take a deep breath before he loses it. This is also useful for parents too! In fact deep breathing and relaxation techniques should be part of the physical education program in the school curriculum.

Some parents are convinced that a good dose of psychostimulants (Ritalin, Strattera and Vyvanse) can do the job of treating impulsive behaviours just as effectively or simply they do not want to have to make the effort. But the National Institute of Health has issued several warnings about these drugs and have stated that 'It is well known that psychostimulants have abuse potential' In addition there may be damage to the central nervous system and the heart.

But have you considered ADHD homeopathic treatments which have had enormous success and in combination with ADHD behavior modification can be one of the most effective ways of parenting an impulsive child? The ingredients like Hyoscyamus, Arsen Iod and Verta Alb can act on the child\'s brain and help him to calm down more and focus. There are no side effects and no risk of addiction at all. Why not learn more about these treatments here?

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover some more techniques for parenting an impulsive child .
Smart parenting is the key to successful ADHD treatment and the problem child. Sign up for FREE Parenting Tips to help you cope with
problem behavior

Weighted Vests Autism - What To Remember When Teaching Autistic Children


Autism Advisor

Weighted Vests Autism

Good teachers are those who help children with autism achieve success. They must be able to help their pupils overcome autism. Teaching autistic children isn\'t just limited on the patients; teachers must also interact with the parents and other family members. Weighted Vests Autism

Parents need to be aware of their children\'s case and they must have special participation in the planning of the instructions and curriculum and in monitoring the progress of their child. If teachers let the parents do their share in the learning process, the child will get not just good school experience but also better and more productive learning experiences at home.

Here are some things teachers have to bear in mind when teaching children with autism:

1. Long strings or series of verbal instructions must be avoided.
As a teacher, you must always bear in mind that autistic individuals find it hard to instill the sequence in their memory. So if he or she can read, just write down the instructions on a sheet of paper. If you are giving directions involving more than three steps, write them down.

2. Most autistic people are visual thinkers.
Many people with autism think in pictures, not in language. So if you want to make them familiar with some words, use pictures to demonstrate such words to the child.

3. Autistic children usually get stuck on a certain subject such as maps or cars.
Since fixations on some things just can\'t be avoided, better utilize them to encourage school work.

4. Utilize concrete visual techniques to teach children with number concepts.
In teaching autistic children with numbers, it would be better to use visual methods such as math toys.

5. Protect children with autism from sounds that usually hurt their ears.
Loud sounds irritate autistic children, so protect them by avoiding things that produce such sounds. Don\'t let the child have fear on the sounds he or she doesn\'t like because it can make him or her behave badly. Weighted Vests Autism

6. If the autistic child is hyperactive, let him wear a padded weighted vest.
Such apparel help calm autistic children that\'s hyperactive. The garment gives pressure that calms the person\'s nervous system. It would be better to allow the child to wear the vest for twenty minutes and take it off for a few minutes. This way, the nervous system is prevented from getting used to the said outfit.

7. Most children with autism have troubles controlling the motor in their hands.
It is for this reason that most autistic children have messy handwriting. Oftentimes, they find it hard to achieve good handwriting and this can totally upset them. So to avoid or at least lessen such frustration, better help the child find pleasure in learning by letting him or her type on the computer.

8. Make sure the child\'s desk is near the window.
Fluorescent lights and some visual distractions bother autistic individuals. So when teaching autistic children, avoid illuminating the room by means of fluorescent lights and let them sit near the window.

9. Children with autism are oftentimes good at art, drawing, and computer.
If you notice that the child is good in a certain field, encourage them to use and improve their talents. Weighted Vests Autism

10. There are autistic children who easily learn how to read using phonics while some learn by memorizing the words.
This is also an important consideration in teaching autistic children. Since they learn reading the easy way through the help of phonics, then teach them phonics rule. Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Weighted Vests Autism program now!

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About the Author

Feeling lost without solutions? Weighted Vests Autism is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

Try The Program and change child\'s life forever!

Adhd Vitamin Supplements Help for Parents With Adhd Children


Robert William Locke

The UK Minister for Health states that it is a scandal that many childhood disorders and illnesses are a result of poor nutrition and nothing else! ADHD is no exception. Where can parents get ADHD vitamin supplements help? Are vitamins really going to make a difference? It should be pointed out immediately that ADHD has to be treated on many different fronts: medication, behavioural therapy, diet and nutrition and supportive parents and teachers.

ADHD is a behavioural disorder as a result of the brain\'s malfunctioning. Anything we eat affects our brain - just think of caffeine,alcohol,carbohydrates etc. In order for our children\'s brains to function optimally, we have to make sure that they are given a high protein and low carbohydrate diet and give propriety to fruit and vegetables That may not always be possible so ADHD vitamin supplements will be required.

Vitamin C is a great ally for all sorts of ailments. One study has shown that by giving ADHD children a mixture of flaxseed oil and Vitamin C there was a marked improvement in impulsivity and hyperactivity. The second great Vitamin group is the B complex one which includes Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin and Folic Acid among others. Why is Vitamin B so important? It plays a vital role in helping us to extract energy from any food we consume. Taking a good B complex vitamin is recommended.

The Frankfurt (Germany) Consumer Protection Office wants to ban food colourings and additives which tend to make children hyperactive. Tartrazine, carmoisine and quinoline yellow are used in a lot of kids\' candy. The European Union will insist that all sweets and candy using these food dyes, will carry a warning from 2010.

Supplementing kids\' diets with the above vitamins will be beneficial if they have ADHD and will also do them and ourselves a lot of good even if we do not suffer from ADHD. Making sure processed foods are avoided and that small regular meals are planned, will go a long way to treating hyperactivity in children.

The next decision will be to decide on ADHD medication and pyschostimulant drugs have had a very bad press and not without good reason! There are some risks - not least insomnia and retarded growth not to mention playing havoc with the child\'s appetite. What if there was a 100safe ADHD Alternative therapy which makes use of natural homeopathic remedies and which can be used in conjunction with ADHD vitamin supplements mentioned above? The reason you may not know about this is quite simply because the pharmaceutical companies are pushing their own risky drugs for very obvious economic reasons! You can find out about a much cheaper option which will not put your child at risk from the link below.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Minerals and Vitamins for Adhd - Simple Rules to Feed our Kids


Robert William Locke

Ants in his pants and bouncing off the wall? Or is s/he being silly and giddy? And then you tell me that minerals and vitamins for ADHD are going to work and we will all live happily ever after?

Let\'s face it, no diet, not even the Feingold one, is going to cure ADHD. But even if you give your ADHD child medication, you still have to feed him because his brain is not going to function without some fuel. A properly balanced diet with the right minerals and vitamins for ADHD is going to be an important part in coping with hyperactive children.

The Essentials

Look at the ADHD forums and you will probably go a little crazy reading about food allergies and allergy tests not to mention the debate about corn syrup ! This is the bottom line. Lots of ADHD kids lack magnesium, zinc and some of the essential vitamins like Vitamin C, Niacin and and the Vitamin B and D group. So, where can I find the food to give him so that we do not have to wrestle with multivitamins every morning to make sure they are getting their right dose of minerals and vitamins for ADHD?

Avoid MSG

So, you either make your own bread, sauces and cook everything yourself OR you make sure that you avoiding stocking up with all the processed packaged foods which have all those artificial preservatives, additives and all the other stuff which can really send a kid\'s brain into a spin. MSG (mono sodium glutamate )is a killer in that it makes processed food taste great but is addictive and therefore causes obesity. It also acts on the brain by interfering with our \'I have had enough\' mechanism ! Result :- obese kids. Always better to look out for MSG additive on food packets.

Anyone For Fish?

No harm in adding fish to your kids\' diet once or twice a week. They contain the famous EFAs (essential fatty acids) including Omega 3 which are found in flax oil pills if you are worried about the mercury content in fish. Go for smaller fish (anchovies, crab and rainbow trout ) - they are much less likely to be from overfished and contaminated fishing grounds than the bigger ones (avoid Atlantic bass, cod, grouper, red snapper, swordfish and tuna).Cut down on candy, pizza, French fries, ice cream, pies and desserts and anything fried. Stock up on whole grains, fruit and veg, nuts and lean meat too.

Give Your Kid A Normal Childhood

So, apart from a sensible diet which I have outlined above which will contain all the essential minerals and vitamins for ADHD, what about ADHD medication? I shudder when I read some of the posts on the ADHD forums :- skinny kids who have lost their appetite, other kids plagued by strange dreams, jittery, shaking hands ! These are just some of the side effects of psychostimulants (Vyvanse, Wellbutrin, Adderall and Strattera) used extensively for ADHD. Click on the link below to give your child a better chance in life - it will explain about a natural ADHD treatment which is safe and free from side effects.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

The Effect of Fine Motor Training Program on the Academic Achievement for Students With Adhd


Dr. Kamal SeSalem

The Effect of Fine Motor Training Program on the Academic Achievement for Students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder


Fine motor skills involves the ability to control the small muscles of the body and is usually defined as the ability to coordinate the action of the eyes and hands together in performing precise manipulative movements. Manipulative movement such as handwriting is controlled by the central nervous system (Barkley, 1998). Many areas of the brain are involved in the act of manipulating. The act simultaneously controlling the nerves and muscles in the arm, wrist, hand, and fingers to move in four different directions, focusing the eyes on the writing; as well as controlling the amount of pressure exerted. Brain research has identified the critical need to supply a variety of multi-sensory stimulation to the young brain for motor development (Farmer, 2005). Multi-sensory fine motor g training answers that need in a non- traditional but innovative way. Joseph (1992) indicates that the entire right brain is dominant in regard to attention and arousal, factors strongly influenced by the fine motor process. Manipulating the fingers through handwriting not only calms the right brain, but also stimulates the left-brain, the 'brain that goes to school.' where the specialized reading/ writing capacities are located.

The link between children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and fine motor coordination problems has been recognized for decades (Piek, Pitcher, & Hay, 1999). In a study of both fine and gross motor ability of males with ADHD compared with a group of control children, Pitcher, Piek, and Hay, (2003) found poorer fine motor ability in children with ADHD. Poor fine motor problems have been associated with ADHD in addition to the main symptom groups of inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity (Meyer & Sagvolden, 2006).

The literature seems to suggest that fine motor training will improve the brain function of students with ADHD. This improvement has been attributed to better eye-hand co-ordination, improved fine motor control, and improved concentration. All these behaviors are impaired in students with ADHD. Research to investigate this relationship could spark more interest in using fine motor training programs to enhance the brain function of students with ADHD.

Schooling is a challenge for children with ADHD, as far as their academic failure and challenging behavior. Students with ADHD are more likely to achieve lower grades at school than their peers (Merrell & Tymms, 2001). The course of ADHD tends to be chronic and progressive, and without treatment may even increase students\' academic problems as well as their challenging behavior. Fine motor training is a simple way of stimulating the brain and improving the ADHD students\' academic achievement. Teachers who deal with students suffering from ADHD are aware of the problems their students encounter in the classroom. Perhaps the most serious concern for teachers of students with ADHD is how to enable the students to achieve academic success.

The purpose of this research study was to determine if students who participated in the Fine Motor Training (FMT) program make more progress in the WRAT-III thanthose who did not participate. The following research questions are addressed:

  1. Do ADHD students who have participated in the FMT program make more progress in the WRAT-III than students who have not participated?
  2. Do ADHD students who have participated in the FMT program make more progress in reading skills than students who have not participated?
  3. Do ADHD students who have participated in the FMT program make more progress in spelling skills than students who have not participated?
  4. Do ADHD students who have participated in the FMT program make more progress in mathematical skills than students who have not participated?



Twenty male students between the ages of 6 and 11years, all of whom had classified as having combined symptoms of ADHD participated in the study. All participants were on psycho stimulants medication at the time of the study. Participants were selected from ethnically mixed students with ADHD attending public schools in southwestern Louisiana. Theracial composition was 88white and 12black. Participants were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental group (n=10) and the control group (n=10). All participants are receiving Special Education services. These services are based on their Individualized Educational Programs (IEP). Public Law 105-17 (1997) amendment to Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), requires that each public school child who receives Special Education and related services must have an IEP.

Three instruments were used on the study. The first instrument was the Wide Range Achievement Test-III (WRAT-III). The WRAT-III includes 3 subtests that measure basic school codes. The reading subtest measures decoding skills in which the student recognizes and names letters and pronounces words in isolation. The spelling subtest measures written spelling in which the student writes letters and words from dictation. The math subtest measures mathematical calculation, in which the student counts, reads numbers, identifies number symbols, solves oral problems and performs written computation within a time limit. The test is an individually administered for population ages 5-0 to 11-11, 12-0 to 75. The second instrument was the FineMotor Training (FMT) program. The FMT program was designed to develop and apply the fine motor skills needed for academic achievement in students with ADHD. Fine motor activities such as handwriting and manipulating small objects are included in this program, see Appendix A. The third instrument was the Data Collection Sheet. It was developed to collect demographic data about each participant in the study as well as the results of the WRAT-III, see Appendix B.
Participants were randomly divided into two groups, the control group (n=10) and the experimental group (n=10). The present level of academic achievement was determined for both groups prior to the beginning of the FMT program (pretest) using the WRAT-III for Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic. The experimental group received FMT in addition to the usual Special Education services based on their IEP, see Appendix A, while the control group received only the usual Special Education services base on their IEP. Training was provided for 4 sessions a day, 5 days a week over 2 months period. The length of each session was 10 minutes. After two months, both groups were evaluated with the WRAT-III (Posttest).

Data Analysis

The data was analyzed by comparing the growth the students made on the WRAT-III using a group pre-test/post-test design. The statistical procedure of treatment Effect Size (ES) was used to allow the comparison between scores earned at the beginning and end of treatment. The ES is the difference in the means between two group divided by the standard deviation. This measure of 'effect size' is known as Cohen\'s d. Cohen (1988) suggested that d of '0.2 is indicative of a small effect, 0.5 a medium and 0.8 a large effect size. However, ES as small as 0.1 may be of important practical significance if the intervention that produced the improvement is relatively inexpensive compared to other competing options; the effect is achieved across all groups of students; and the effect accumulates over time (Glass, 1988).


Pretest to posttest Effect Size statistical procedure revealed significant gains on the WRAT-III scores for the experimental group (d=0.61). Consistent gains were noted across all WRAT-III subtests. The ES reading subtest was (d=0.69), the ES spelling subtest was (d=0.44), and the ES mathematic subtest was (d=0.66). The Institute of Education\'s Joint Dissemination Review Panel stated that an ES above 0.33 can be regarded as indication that significant educational changes has occurred (Tallmadge, 1977). Table 1 summarizes results of achievement changes for the experimental group (n=10).

Insert Table 1 about Here

Although the control groups improved their WRAT-III scores over the time of intervention, that improvement was not significant (d=0.17) and it would be attributed to the students\' normal development and/or to the implication of the IEP. Consistent non-significant gains were noted across all control groups\' WRAT-III subtests. The ES reading subtest was (d=0.14), the ES spelling subtest was (d=0.18), and the ES mathematic subtest was (d=0.0.15). All ES scores were lower than the suggested d =0.2 as indicative of a small effect (Cohen, 1988). Table 2 summarizes results of achievement changes for the control group (n=10).

Insert Table 2 about Here

Furthermore, the results indicated that ADHD students who have participated in the FMT program made more progress in the WRAT-III than students who have not participated. The results also indicated that the FMT program has a significant efficacy on the improvement of academic achievement for students with ADHD.


Statistical analysis indicates that FMT program appears to enable studentsdiagnosed with the Combined Type of ADHD to make statistically significant gains in measures of academic achievement in the areas of reading, spelling, and mathematics. Contrary, no significant academic achievement gains were indicated for the ADHD students who did not participate in the FMT program. This finding suggests that providing ADHD students with fine motor training would positively impacted their academic achievement. Quality intervention should make an impact on life-long learning in enabling the individual to become an independent learner. Although it cannot be confirmed by one test or one study alone, it appears that the FMT program improves specific levels of academic achievement skills for students with ADHD.

Currently, fine motor training programs for students with ADHD are not well defined in public schools. Further fine motor training research needs to include a follow-up phase of this particular study to determine if students who participated in FMTP demonstrate regression in the broad areas of achievement after being retested at least one month after completion of the program. Furthermore, future studies with larger subjects, longer training periods, and on subjects with the Predominantly Hyperactivity-Impulsive Type ADHD or/and the Predominantly Inattention Type of ADHDare needed to determine the quality and the effectiveness of the FMT program.


Barkley, R. A. (1998). Attention –deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A handbook for diagnosis and

treatment (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford.

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd. ed.). Hillsdale, NJ:

Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.

Farmer, J. (2005). The Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders at the

University of Missouri-Columbia promotes research. Http://

Glass,G.V., & Stanley, J.C. (1988). Statistical methods in educational psychology. Englewood

Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Joseph, R. (1992). The right brain and the unconsciousness, discovering the stranger within.

Plenum Press, New York, NY.

Merrell, C. and Tymms, P. (2001). Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness: Their impact on

academic achievement and progress. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 71: 43 – 56.

Meyer, A., and Sagvolden, T. (2006). Fine motor skills in South African children with symptoms

of ADHD: influence of subtype, gender, age, and hand dominance.

Piek, J.P., Pitcher, T.M., & Hay, D.A. (1999). Motor coordination and kinaesthesis in boys with

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,

41 (3), 159-165.

Pitcher, T., Piek, J., and Hay, D. (2003). Fine and gross motor ability in males with ADHD.

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 45: 525-535 Cambridge University Press

Tallmadge,G.K. (1977). Idea book: The joint dissemination review panel. Washington, DC: US

Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Appendix A

Fine Motor Training Program for Students with ADHD

Fine Motor Training Program (FMTP) for Students with ADHD

Session I. (10 Minutes-Handwriting):

  • Have student pick out an excerpt from a book he/she likes at his/her grade level.
  • Give student the opportunity for using print or cursive handwriting.
  • Have student write the same excerpt over and over for 10 minutes using a pen of pencil on a Double lines worksheet to promote neatness and correct letter placement.

Session II (10 Minutes- Fine Motor Activities):

• Use fine motor activities to help student develop the precision, balance, and hand-eye coordination that are needed to perform the fine-motor skills used in handwriting.

• Have student pick out one or more of the following fine motor activities:

  1. Modeling Clay,
  2. Craft Scissors for cutting shape,
  3. Finger Paints,
  4. Puzzles,
  5. Drawing in Different Media,
  6. Play with Lego, miniature cars, small blocks, action figures, and other small toys.
  7. Sorting collections of loose coins into stacks of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
  8. Creative Art Projects that involve using crayons, and/or
  9. Play Games that involve the handling of cards and small game pieces.
  10. Sort collections of loose coins into stacks of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
  • Have student work on a chosen fine motor activity for 10 minutes.
  • Make sure student has lots of motivating opportunities for using his/her hands.

Session III (10 Minutes-Handwriting):

  • Have student pick out an excerpt from a book he/she likes at his/her grade level.
  • Give student the opportunity for using print or cursive handwriting.
  • Have student write the same excerpt over and over for 10 minutes using a pen of pencil on a Double lines worksheet to promote neatness and correct letter placement.

Session IV (10 Minutes- Fine Motor Activities):

• Use fine motor activities to help student develop the precision, balance, and hand-eye coordination that are needed to perform the fine-motor skills used in handwriting.

• Have student pick out one or more of the following fine motor activities:

  1. Modeling Clay,
  2. Craft Scissors for cutting shape,
  3. Finger Paints,
  4. Puzzles,
  5. Drawing in Different Media,
  6. Play with Lego, miniature cars, small blocks, action figures, and other small toys.
  7. Sorting collections of loose coins into stacks of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
  8. Creative Art Projects that involve using crayons, and/or
  9. Play Games that involve the handling of cards and small game pieces.
  10. Sort collections of loose coins into stacks of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
  • Have student work on a chosen fine motor activity for 10 minutes.
  • Make sure student has lots of motivating opportunities for using his/her hands.

General Instructions:

  • The program should be run for 2-3 months, once a day, 30 minutes a day,5 days a week
  • Provide a quiet, comfortable, and warm atmosphere for student to work.
  • Make sure student understands the directions before beginning a handwriting lesson.
  • Make the writing interesting by doing things not done before
  • It may be helpful if you could generate a list of handwriting and fine motor activities ideas every morning with student so that he/she has lots of choices.
  • Have student write it as fast as he/she can while you accurately time him/her.
  • Give student consistent undivided attention, motivating opportunities, encouragement, support, reward while working on his/her assignment.

Appendix B

Data Collection Sheet

Data Collection Sheet

School Name ____________________________________ Parish ______________

Teacher Name __________________________________ Date ________________

Student Name __________________________________ Grade _______________

Date of Birth ________ Gender (M) ___ (F) ____ Race ___________

ADHD (check one):

  • Combined Type _____
  • Predominantly Hyperactivity-Impulsive Type _____
  • Predominantly Inattention Type ______


• Achievement Test Used: Wide Rang Achievement Test-III
• Pre-Intervention Test Score: ________Date:___________________ Raw Score Std. Score le Grade Score Absolute Score
READING ______ ______ ____ ______ _____
SPELLING ______ ______ ____ ______ _____
ARTHIMATIC ______ ______ ____ ______ _____
Date _____________________________________________________________
• Post-Intervention Test Score:_______Date: ________________________
Raw Score Std. Score le Grade Score Absolute Score
READING ______ ______ ____ ______ _____
SPELLING ______ ______ ____ ______ _____
ARTHIMATIC ______ ______ ____ ______ _____


Summary of WRAT-III Changes for the Experimental Group (n=10)


Pretest Posttest

WRAT-III Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean difference Effect-size d


Reading 25.5 4.53 28.6 4.48 3.1 0.69

Spelling 22.3 6.91 25.2 6.29 2.9 0.44

Math 22.5 5.23 25.7 4.50 3.2 0.66

Full Test 70.3 15.43 79.5 14.61 9.2 0.61


1 Wide Range Achievement Test, Revised (WRAT-III). 2. Standard Deviation (SD)

Table 2

Summary of WRAT-III Changes for the Control Group (n=10)


Pretest Posttest

WRAT-III Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean difference Effect size d


Reading 27.7 7.90 28.8 8.09 1.1 0.14

Spelling 23.6 6.90 24.9 7.25 1.3 0.18

Math 21.1 9.01 22.4 8.22 1.3 0.15

Full Test 72.4 21.73 76.1 21.86 3.7 0.17


1 Wide Range Achievement Test, Revised (WRAT-III). 2. Standard Deviation (SD)

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About the Author

Dr. Kamal Sesalem

Professor of Special Education

Dept. of Teacher Education

McNeese State University

Lake Charles, LA 70609

Non- Stimulating Adhd Meds- Pros And Cons


Robert William Locke

ADHD psychostimulants drugs (Adderall, Ritalin and Focalin) are very often not suitable for some children due to negative side effects. The same can be said for non-stimulating ADHD meds. It is important for parents to know what exactly these medications are so that they can make an informed choice. Thousands of parents now know that there is a much safer alternative ADHD homeopathic treatment available which does not have any side effects.

What are the non-stimulating ADHD medications and what are their advantages and drawbacks? The first sub-type in this group is the anti-depressant drugs such as Welburtin whose main ingredient is bupropion. There are other types which can help to reduce impulsiveness and these are known as Tricyclics and are marketed under the names of Norpramin and Tofranil. While there is some control of ADHD symptoms such as aggression and outbursts, the side effects can be debilitating in some children. These can range from a dry mouth, constipation and listlessness and drowsiness The latter side effects are often treated by giving the child Clonidine to wake them up!

Tenex is another one of the non-stimulating ADHD meds but as this was mainly designed as a blood pressure drug. It can cause a range of side effects from dizziness, oscillating blood pressure and some heart problems especially a reduction in the heart rate. That is why this drug is used by drug addicts for their withdrawal programs. Tenex used successfully with ADHD children can improve concentration and help them focus better.

Strattera is one of the better known non-stimulating ADHD meds on the market to-day. The main component in this drug is called atomoxetine and it seems to work on one of the hormones of the brain known as norepinephrine and this does reduce restlessness, squirming and fidgeting. It is a shame that the FDA has had to warn practitioners of the possibility of suicidal thoughts, mood swings and liver damage!

In looking at non-stimulating ADHD medications,one wonders where it is all going to end especially as children on these drugs have to be monitored closely for all sorts of complications. Ignoring ADHD can be equally dangerous. In the province of Vancouver,about 50of the 31,000 young people with ADHD are not being treated at all and they are the ones most likely to go into drug and alcohol abuse, cause car accidents and commit crimes.

Is this all we can offer our youth ? It seems that medication can and does cause side effects which are damaging while non-treatment will lead to social and crime problems. Parents need to consider alternative ADHD therapies which are safe and which do not have side effects which require more medication. To find out more, click on the link below this article.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Treating Impulsive Behaviors In ADHD - A Must Know Guide


Robert William Locke

What do you do when a child dashes across a road or jumps into a swimming pool in winter fully clothed?
Although you cannot do much at the time, there are ways to lessen the chances of this happening. First let us look at what impulsive behaviors involve and then look at ways of treating impulsive behaviours.

ADHD impulsive behavior is well documented and usually consists in acting without thinking of the consequences and that can range from blurting out answers out of turn, interrupting and grabbing toys from other kids and a whole lot of other impulsive actions which can endanger the child and sometimes, those around him.

How do you go about treating impulsive behaviors or better still in preventing them from happening? Even from a very young age, you can impose consequences for impulsive behavior. You can ask the child to explain what he has just done and why he did it without thinking. Then you can impose the consequences quickly and immediately. Similarly if a child has not grabbed a toy, he can be rewarded and this again should be done immediately.

Another way of preventing this type of behavior is to reduce to an absolute minimum the situations where strong emotions such as excitement, anger or even hunger can lead the child to act impulsively. Parents can usually forestall these situations and thereby reduce the risk. Learning how to control their bodies is important too so activities like the freeze dance are great for treating impulsive behaviors.

Some parents think that ADHD medication like Ritalin can calm a child down and this may be the best way in treating impulsive behaviors. This may happen in some cases but the side effects are too much of an unknown and some parents want an alternative. Actually the real aternative is parenting an impulsive child intelligently is by using ADHD behavior modification and I have indicated just a few techniques in the examples above. The second way is to take a look at ADHD homeopathic remedies as these are far safer and gentler and have no side effects at all. This is probably the safest way in treating ADHD and combined with behavior modifcation is probably the best technique of all in parenting an impulsive child.

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Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what is the best way of treating impulsive behaviors .
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Latest Research On New ADHD Treatments


Robert William Locke

What are the new ADHD treatments, if any? Most parents seem resigned to the fact that psychostimulants combined with some behavioral therapy seems to be the best solution. But this is somewhat clouded by the bad press that the ADHD meds are getting.

Class action lawsuits and financial conflicts of interest

Class action suits have been won against some drug companies. Even more alarming is the fact that there is a conflict of interest in that the drug companies are far too closely involved in the pharmaceutical research and the clinical trials of these medications. This was stated very clearly, quite recently, by a former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, Marcia Angell. She now teaches medical ethics at the Harvard School of Medicine

Neurofeedback / EEG (electroencephalogram)/Biofeedback

One of the new treatments for ADHD being tried is EEG or biofeedback. How does this work and what are the results? First, electrodes are placed on the skin around the forehead area. The biofeedback training by the therapist present will help the ADHD child through a series of mental activities to maintain the smile on the smiley icon or some similar visual. The actual feedback from the brain shows which brainwaves are being used to keep the smile on the icon. In this way, the brain is being trained to improve concentration, attention and reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Why is neurofeedback not used more in ADHD treatment?

One recent trial published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry did actually show that there was a 25reduction in the ADHD symptoms of the children given this EEG treatment. But the main problem seems to be that there have not been enough trials done to show conclusively that this treatment may actually be adopted as a newer ADHD treatment. Up to now the samples have been too small and also the testers were not blinded as to the status of the children being tested and there was also a lack of appropriate control groups.

Green time activities for ADHD

One of the new ADHD treatments is where children were taken for a 20 minute walk in the open air surrounded by greenery. These children actually showed higher levels of concentration compared to when they were taken for a walk downtown in the shopping malls. This study was done by the University of Illinois but more studies will have to be done and on a larger scale before this is adopted as a newer ADHD treatment. However it makes sense for children to be given more green time for a wide range of healthy reasons.

ADHD behavior therapy and ADHD homeopathic remedies

As I remarked at the beginning of the article, the mainstay of new ADHD treatments and old ones, seems to be a combination of behavior therapy with some medication.

But which medication? As the psychostimulants and the companies that produce them are the subject of more and more controversy, it seems wise to look at alternatives such as ADHD homeopathic remedies. Why not find out what these involve. There are no risks and no side effects either coupled with the fact that they are much cheaper. Why not discover more by clicking on the link below.

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About the Author

Discover what are the new ADHD treatments . Experts now tell us that child behavior problems can be solved with behavior therapy combined with a natural treatment for ADHD . Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Free Social Stories For Autism - College And The Autistic Student


Autism Advisor

Free Social Stories For Autism

Autism, a neurological-based developmental disability, affects an anticipated one in 166 people, according to a 2004 study by the Centers for Disease Control Prevention. Both children and adults in Autism often times show tribulations in verbal and nonverbal communication, social interactions and leisure or play activities, according to the Autism Society of America. Autism causes individuals differently and to varying degrees. Free Social Stories For Autism

Experts agree on the following advice upon detection of Autism:

1. Seek immediate treatment for your child.

2. If possible, find someone to work with the child at least 20 hours a week, i.e. a therapist, teacher, parent, grandparent or someone from your church or group. Look for progress after one month.

3. Do not allow the child to sit and watch TV all day. Get them engaged and play as many games as possible that require taking turns.

4. New parents learning they have an autistic child must recognize immediately that they cannot do it all by themselves. They should immediately contact Autism societies or chapters to find resources, join support groups and talk with other families about their experiences. Free Social Stories For Autism

5. Help the child to develop their areas of strength, particularly among high-functioning students with Asperger\'s Syndrome (a neurobiological condition characterized by normal intelligence and language development with deficiencies in social and communication skills), and get them job experiences during high school.

Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia is one of the few colleges in the US that has a special program in their Autism Training Center, which works with Autism spectrum disorders like Aspergers. Although many colleges have counselors and staff familiar with Autism, only Marshall has a program tailored specifically for autistic students. The program serves three of the university\'s 16,360 students and may eventually accommodate 10; it will remain small by choice. Free Social Stories For Autism

'The goal is not for all students with Autism to attend Marshall, but for the program to become a model for other colleges,' says Barbara Becker-Cottrill, the Center\'s director. 'The true goal is for students to have the ability to attend the university of their choice. Our work will be working with other universities on how to establish a program such as this on their own campuses.' Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Free Social Stories For Autism program now!

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