Limbic Adhd Treatment - Facts For Parents


Robert William Locke

Most people believe that there are just three types of ADHD. Now that has become six as more and more is being discovered about this disorder. Type 5 is known as limbic ADHD and basically this is the classic ADHD symptoms together with depression, low energy levels and minimum motivation. Limbic ADHD treatment will vary from other types of ADHD treatment as the depression symptoms together with a sense of hopelessness can complicate matters.

It is possible that many more cases of limbic ADHD exist as it is now calculated that 25of ADHD cases may also have depression symptoms, so this type may be much more common than was thought. The patient has to cope with the classic symptoms of inattention, distractability together with apathy, low self esteem and insomnia. The limbic area of the brain controls our emotions, moods and motivation. The good news is that ADHD natural remedies can help the patient to be more focused and lift the mood as well.

What is the best limbic ADHD treatment to opt for? Inevitably there is great debate about this and the experts rarely agree. No surprises there ! Some recommend Welburtin which is one of the most widely used anti-depressants on the market. Others recommend psychostimulants (Ritalin, Focalin and Conecrta) but they should be given in small doses. I know some experts who treat this disorder with both an anti-depressant and a psychostimulant.

A Chinese herb known as Huperzia serrata or Huperzine A is being studied in clinical trials at Harvard University. It has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from epilepsy, Alzheimers and also those suffering from limbic ADHD. More research needs to be done.

Another limbic ADHD treatment recommended by some experts is how to develop relaxation techniques together with management of stress and organisational skills.

There is little doubt now that a multi-faceted treatment approach is the best one for ADHD and limbic ADHD is no exception. This favours exercise, diet, supplements, school and parental support along with medication. But which medication? ADHD meds have had a stormy ride due to some very alarming side effects and also due to the fact that they do NOT cure ADHD and are not effective in the long term. Much better to take the multi-faceted approach and substitute mind altering drugs with ADHD natural remedies Limbic ADHD can be managed just as successfully by opting for this type of treatment.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

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