Herbal Supplements for Adhd - Fact or Fiction ?


Robert William Locke

If my child takes herbal supplements for ADHD, it is natural so it must be good! This is a fictional belief in that it is superficial, to say the least. Herbal supplements for treating ADHD must be approached with the same caution as that in using ADHD conventional medication.

FDA Warnings

When the FDA in 2006 told pharmaceutical companies to put warning labels on ADHD medicines, alarm bells started sounding in many parents\' heads. There ARE potential health risks and these can range from stunted growth, insomnia, mood swings and even cardiac arrest. It is a fact and if you do not believe me, try visiting the FDA site for a horror trip through the psychostimulant drugs jungle. Another alarming fact is that US doctors are three times as likely to prescribe these drugs than their European counterparts. A sad fact is that young people joining the Military in the US may not be accepted if they have been on ADHD medication up to a year before their application. They are regarded as second class drug users.

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements for ADHD are one of the alternatives that worried parents are now taking much more seriously than before. They are no longer content to dose their children with powerful mind altering drugs. Herbal supplements have had a very long history - as old as man himself who sought relief from various ailments by extracting healing substances from the plant world around him. All the ancient civilisations from Egypt, China, Ancient Rome used herbs extensively in medication. Ayurvedic, Chinese and Native American medical systems all use herbs for medication purposes. Examples are valerian extract for insomnia, turmeric as an anti-inflammatory agent for arthritis and stinging nettle for enlarged prostate.

World Health Organisation

Even to-day, the fact that the majority of the world\'s population are poor and have to survive on less than $2 a day means that up to 80STILL use herbal medicine. This is a WHO estimate. What are the herbal supplements for treating ADHD? Skullcap, Ginkgo Biloba, Avena, Chamomile and Valerian have all been used to successful help children alleviate ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity, restlessness, fidgeting, inattention and limited concentration span.

Homeopathic ADHD Remedies

Homeopathic ADHD remedies are becoming enormously popular in that they are not addictive. When looking at the product ( and the small print!), you should be able to check if the actual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Is the product a registered OTC homeopathic remedy? You should also check the reputation of the company. You may be looking for guarantees and assurances that the products have not been rested on animals and also if they are gluten and lactose free. All these questions are answered in the link below which will reassure you that ADHD herbal supplements/homeopathic remedies are by far the best option around.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/adhd-articles/herbal-supplements-for-adhd-fact-or-fiction--713007.html

About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Treating Adhd Without Medication -Latest News And Research


Robert William Locke

When you read about a new ADHD drug which is about to hit the market and which the company describes as \'an important addition to our ADHD portfolio\', don\'t get too excited! Yes, it is another stimulant but the company assures us that this particular compound will make it less abusable! So, nothing has changed. That is why more and more parents will not take these risks and are looking for ways of treating ADHD without medication.

While controlling ADHD without meds may be an arduous task, there are ways in which symptoms can be alleviated making life bearable again for harassed parents. ADHD drugs are so full of unknowns that thousands of parents have discovered ADHD homeopathic treatments which are effective and safe and there is no risk of addiction. Controlling ADHD without meds by using exercise, diet, cognitive and behaviour therapy plus parenting skills can help your child so much that he will be much less dependable on ADHD medication itself.

Look at the latest experiment as regards exercise for kids which was carried out by the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This program was called ABC for Fitness. The schools that took part in this program found that there was a reduction by up to a third of children having to take ADHD medication. That compared very favourably with the other schools who had not taken part in the program. Their reduction amounted to only 7

Organising sports activities is now seen as another way of treating ADHD without medication or at least drastically reducing its impact. Green time activities and contact with nature have all been shown to be effective in reducing some of the ADHD symptoms such as restlessness, hyperactivity and fidgeting. The University of Illinois did a study which established that green time really did help children to be more attentive in class afterwards. Setting up a playground or adapting another space to make sure that trees, grassy areas and gardens are included is essential. Sports activities can be as varied as the child\'s interests and skills. Some sports like soccer require a team effort , some require very tight focus. Track sports and swimming may be suitable for more hyperactive kids. Just think how much more healthy these are in comparison to spending time indoors on the consoles with a violent video game such as God of War where sex and violence seem to increase their aggressiveness, anger and hyperactivity. They have no way of letting off steam in a healthy safe environment.

Other research in the UK at the Durham County Schools has shown that use of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids in the form of supplements really did have a beneficial effect on kids\' behaviour and definite improvements in attention and concentration were noted in the kids who took part in the experiment.

These are just a few ways parents are learning how to cope with treating ADHD without medication or at least using a homeopathic treatment which will calm the child and soothe his nerves and the parents can become normal and happy again. If you think this is wishful thinking, just visit the site below to learn a few surprising facts about controlling ADHD without meds.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/adhd-articles/treating-adhd-without-medication-latest-news-and-research-814995.html

About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.