Limbic Adhd Treatment - Facts For Parents


Robert William Locke

Most people believe that there are just three types of ADHD. Now that has become six as more and more is being discovered about this disorder. Type 5 is known as limbic ADHD and basically this is the classic ADHD symptoms together with depression, low energy levels and minimum motivation. Limbic ADHD treatment will vary from other types of ADHD treatment as the depression symptoms together with a sense of hopelessness can complicate matters.

It is possible that many more cases of limbic ADHD exist as it is now calculated that 25of ADHD cases may also have depression symptoms, so this type may be much more common than was thought. The patient has to cope with the classic symptoms of inattention, distractability together with apathy, low self esteem and insomnia. The limbic area of the brain controls our emotions, moods and motivation. The good news is that ADHD natural remedies can help the patient to be more focused and lift the mood as well.

What is the best limbic ADHD treatment to opt for? Inevitably there is great debate about this and the experts rarely agree. No surprises there ! Some recommend Welburtin which is one of the most widely used anti-depressants on the market. Others recommend psychostimulants (Ritalin, Focalin and Conecrta) but they should be given in small doses. I know some experts who treat this disorder with both an anti-depressant and a psychostimulant.

A Chinese herb known as Huperzia serrata or Huperzine A is being studied in clinical trials at Harvard University. It has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from epilepsy, Alzheimers and also those suffering from limbic ADHD. More research needs to be done.

Another limbic ADHD treatment recommended by some experts is how to develop relaxation techniques together with management of stress and organisational skills.

There is little doubt now that a multi-faceted treatment approach is the best one for ADHD and limbic ADHD is no exception. This favours exercise, diet, supplements, school and parental support along with medication. But which medication? ADHD meds have had a stormy ride due to some very alarming side effects and also due to the fact that they do NOT cure ADHD and are not effective in the long term. Much better to take the multi-faceted approach and substitute mind altering drugs with ADHD natural remedies Limbic ADHD can be managed just as successfully by opting for this type of treatment.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Vitamins for Adhd Kids - Can They Really Help ?


Robert William Locke

Vitamins for ADHD kids are going to play a key role in any healthy balanced nutritious diet. Processed foods lack certain vitamins or they do not even come near the RDA (Recommended Daily Amount). They have plenty of colourings and additives which are harmful and now there is a movement to ban them from kids\' food products. Maryland has become the first USA state to ban them from 2010 and the warning will be: ' The color additives in this food may cause hyperactivity and behavior problems in some children.

Many parents dread the idea of giving their kids pills to take and sometimes they resist unless you can hide them in their food. A good tip to remember is to buy them in capsules so that they can easily be stirred into smoothies or any other liquid food such as sauces etc.

Why bother with vitamins for ADHD kids at all? Are they going to help and why isn\'t medication enough? We all know that certain food like caffeine and chocolate are stimulants which tend to make us bouncy and full of energy. Sugary drinks and carbohydrates will increase the level of blood sugar causing highs and when this falls, we have a sudden loss of energy which will cause listlessness. It is better to avoid these \'crashes\' where possible, especially when we are talking about diet for ADHD children.

The Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils contained in fish and flaxseed are known to be very beneficial for kids with ADHD and indeed for a host of other conditions as well from arthritis to cholesterol control. A good idea would be to introduce these for the whole family. Fish oil capsules can be taken every day.

The only way to make sure that vitamins for ADHD kids are the right amount is to make sure that they have a balanced healthy and nutritious diet and you can follow the food pyramid for that. Protein triggers alertness in the brain while certain carbohydrates will encourage drowsiness. This is why protein is king. That is why it is so important to have enough protein both at breakfast and at lunch. One expert maintains that only about 5of ADHD children are getting enough protein. The basic daily amount for kids is up to 30 grams of protein. A cup of soya milk, an egg and an ounce of meat can provide up to 20 grams so it is not difficult to reach the daily dose.

The correct amount of vitamins for ADHD kids given in the right foods will affect their behaviour and will make life easier for everyone in the family. But a diet for ADHD children, parenting and support at school are not enough. You will also have to look at a natural remedy for ADHD which will help calm the child and help him to focus on tasks and reduce distractability. The ideal solution can be found in the link below this article.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available

Useful Strategies For Parenting An Impulsive Child


Robert William Locke

Before we look at some useful ways of parenting an impulsive child, let us look at what causes this impulsivity. Basically any child with ADHD has a chemical imbalance in the brain. It simply means that he or she does not have all the elements to organize thoughts and actions such as concentrating, focusing and lots of other tasks that we do every day automatically. I know one specialist who has likened it to a child being blindfolded and there is just one hole in the blindfold. The child is confronted with making a decision or acting and has a limited vision of the situation. The child lashes out or grabs a toy or hits another child or dashes across the road. The chemicals he needs to look at the bigger picture, to enable him to think about any consequences of his actions are all missing or patchy and therefore his choices are extremely limited.

Here are some useful strategies for parenting an impulsive child and treating impulsive behaviours.

1. Be aware that some strong emotions can trigger impulsive behaviours and try to reduce these to an absolute minimum. These can range from the excitement of getting a new toy, a critical parent or teacher or an irritating sibling.

2. Organise plenty of activities which can provide a harmless outlet for impulsive actions. These can range from listening to music, sports, physical exercise and video games. Also activities such as a freeze dance can teach them more body control which helps in controlling impulsivity.

3. Talk to the child immediately after the impulsive action and in a non-threatening or belligerent way. Try to reason with the child and you will have to adapt your approach depending on their age. Make sure that you have system of rewards and consequences in place and the child knows and understands these. These are all essential elements in parenting an impulsive child.

4. Try to teach the child to learn to count to ten, take a deep breath before he loses it. This is also useful for parents too! In fact deep breathing and relaxation techniques should be part of the physical education program in the school curriculum.

Some parents are convinced that a good dose of psychostimulants (Ritalin, Strattera and Vyvanse) can do the job of treating impulsive behaviours just as effectively or simply they do not want to have to make the effort. But the National Institute of Health has issued several warnings about these drugs and have stated that 'It is well known that psychostimulants have abuse potential' In addition there may be damage to the central nervous system and the heart.

But have you considered ADHD homeopathic treatments which have had enormous success and in combination with ADHD behavior modification can be one of the most effective ways of parenting an impulsive child? The ingredients like Hyoscyamus, Arsen Iod and Verta Alb can act on the child\'s brain and help him to calm down more and focus. There are no side effects and no risk of addiction at all. Why not learn more about these treatments here?

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover some more techniques for parenting an impulsive child .
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