Weighted Vests Autism - What To Remember When Teaching Autistic Children


Autism Advisor

Weighted Vests Autism

Good teachers are those who help children with autism achieve success. They must be able to help their pupils overcome autism. Teaching autistic children isn\'t just limited on the patients; teachers must also interact with the parents and other family members. Weighted Vests Autism

Parents need to be aware of their children\'s case and they must have special participation in the planning of the instructions and curriculum and in monitoring the progress of their child. If teachers let the parents do their share in the learning process, the child will get not just good school experience but also better and more productive learning experiences at home.

Here are some things teachers have to bear in mind when teaching children with autism:

1. Long strings or series of verbal instructions must be avoided.
As a teacher, you must always bear in mind that autistic individuals find it hard to instill the sequence in their memory. So if he or she can read, just write down the instructions on a sheet of paper. If you are giving directions involving more than three steps, write them down.

2. Most autistic people are visual thinkers.
Many people with autism think in pictures, not in language. So if you want to make them familiar with some words, use pictures to demonstrate such words to the child.

3. Autistic children usually get stuck on a certain subject such as maps or cars.
Since fixations on some things just can\'t be avoided, better utilize them to encourage school work.

4. Utilize concrete visual techniques to teach children with number concepts.
In teaching autistic children with numbers, it would be better to use visual methods such as math toys.

5. Protect children with autism from sounds that usually hurt their ears.
Loud sounds irritate autistic children, so protect them by avoiding things that produce such sounds. Don\'t let the child have fear on the sounds he or she doesn\'t like because it can make him or her behave badly. Weighted Vests Autism

6. If the autistic child is hyperactive, let him wear a padded weighted vest.
Such apparel help calm autistic children that\'s hyperactive. The garment gives pressure that calms the person\'s nervous system. It would be better to allow the child to wear the vest for twenty minutes and take it off for a few minutes. This way, the nervous system is prevented from getting used to the said outfit.

7. Most children with autism have troubles controlling the motor in their hands.
It is for this reason that most autistic children have messy handwriting. Oftentimes, they find it hard to achieve good handwriting and this can totally upset them. So to avoid or at least lessen such frustration, better help the child find pleasure in learning by letting him or her type on the computer.

8. Make sure the child\'s desk is near the window.
Fluorescent lights and some visual distractions bother autistic individuals. So when teaching autistic children, avoid illuminating the room by means of fluorescent lights and let them sit near the window.

9. Children with autism are oftentimes good at art, drawing, and computer.
If you notice that the child is good in a certain field, encourage them to use and improve their talents. Weighted Vests Autism

10. There are autistic children who easily learn how to read using phonics while some learn by memorizing the words.
This is also an important consideration in teaching autistic children. Since they learn reading the easy way through the help of phonics, then teach them phonics rule. Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Weighted Vests Autism program now!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/adhd-articles/weighted-vests-autism-what-to-remember-when-teaching-autistic-children-1870971.html

About the Author

Feeling lost without solutions? Weighted Vests Autism is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

Try The Program and change child\'s life forever!

Adhd Vitamin Supplements Help for Parents With Adhd Children


Robert William Locke

The UK Minister for Health states that it is a scandal that many childhood disorders and illnesses are a result of poor nutrition and nothing else! ADHD is no exception. Where can parents get ADHD vitamin supplements help? Are vitamins really going to make a difference? It should be pointed out immediately that ADHD has to be treated on many different fronts: medication, behavioural therapy, diet and nutrition and supportive parents and teachers.

ADHD is a behavioural disorder as a result of the brain\'s malfunctioning. Anything we eat affects our brain - just think of caffeine,alcohol,carbohydrates etc. In order for our children\'s brains to function optimally, we have to make sure that they are given a high protein and low carbohydrate diet and give propriety to fruit and vegetables That may not always be possible so ADHD vitamin supplements will be required.

Vitamin C is a great ally for all sorts of ailments. One study has shown that by giving ADHD children a mixture of flaxseed oil and Vitamin C there was a marked improvement in impulsivity and hyperactivity. The second great Vitamin group is the B complex one which includes Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin and Folic Acid among others. Why is Vitamin B so important? It plays a vital role in helping us to extract energy from any food we consume. Taking a good B complex vitamin is recommended.

The Frankfurt (Germany) Consumer Protection Office wants to ban food colourings and additives which tend to make children hyperactive. Tartrazine, carmoisine and quinoline yellow are used in a lot of kids\' candy. The European Union will insist that all sweets and candy using these food dyes, will carry a warning from 2010.

Supplementing kids\' diets with the above vitamins will be beneficial if they have ADHD and will also do them and ourselves a lot of good even if we do not suffer from ADHD. Making sure processed foods are avoided and that small regular meals are planned, will go a long way to treating hyperactivity in children.

The next decision will be to decide on ADHD medication and pyschostimulant drugs have had a very bad press and not without good reason! There are some risks - not least insomnia and retarded growth not to mention playing havoc with the child\'s appetite. What if there was a 100safe ADHD Alternative therapy which makes use of natural homeopathic remedies and which can be used in conjunction with ADHD vitamin supplements mentioned above? The reason you may not know about this is quite simply because the pharmaceutical companies are pushing their own risky drugs for very obvious economic reasons! You can find out about a much cheaper option which will not put your child at risk from the link below.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/adhd-articles/adhd-vitamin-supplements-help-for-parents-with-adhd-children-704882.html

About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Minerals and Vitamins for Adhd - Simple Rules to Feed our Kids


Robert William Locke

Ants in his pants and bouncing off the wall? Or is s/he being silly and giddy? And then you tell me that minerals and vitamins for ADHD are going to work and we will all live happily ever after?

Let\'s face it, no diet, not even the Feingold one, is going to cure ADHD. But even if you give your ADHD child medication, you still have to feed him because his brain is not going to function without some fuel. A properly balanced diet with the right minerals and vitamins for ADHD is going to be an important part in coping with hyperactive children.

The Essentials

Look at the ADHD forums and you will probably go a little crazy reading about food allergies and allergy tests not to mention the debate about corn syrup ! This is the bottom line. Lots of ADHD kids lack magnesium, zinc and some of the essential vitamins like Vitamin C, Niacin and and the Vitamin B and D group. So, where can I find the food to give him so that we do not have to wrestle with multivitamins every morning to make sure they are getting their right dose of minerals and vitamins for ADHD?

Avoid MSG

So, you either make your own bread, sauces and cook everything yourself OR you make sure that you avoiding stocking up with all the processed packaged foods which have all those artificial preservatives, additives and all the other stuff which can really send a kid\'s brain into a spin. MSG (mono sodium glutamate )is a killer in that it makes processed food taste great but is addictive and therefore causes obesity. It also acts on the brain by interfering with our \'I have had enough\' mechanism ! Result :- obese kids. Always better to look out for MSG additive on food packets.

Anyone For Fish?

No harm in adding fish to your kids\' diet once or twice a week. They contain the famous EFAs (essential fatty acids) including Omega 3 which are found in flax oil pills if you are worried about the mercury content in fish. Go for smaller fish (anchovies, crab and rainbow trout ) - they are much less likely to be from overfished and contaminated fishing grounds than the bigger ones (avoid Atlantic bass, cod, grouper, red snapper, swordfish and tuna).Cut down on candy, pizza, French fries, ice cream, pies and desserts and anything fried. Stock up on whole grains, fruit and veg, nuts and lean meat too.

Give Your Kid A Normal Childhood

So, apart from a sensible diet which I have outlined above which will contain all the essential minerals and vitamins for ADHD, what about ADHD medication? I shudder when I read some of the posts on the ADHD forums :- skinny kids who have lost their appetite, other kids plagued by strange dreams, jittery, shaking hands ! These are just some of the side effects of psychostimulants (Vyvanse, Wellbutrin, Adderall and Strattera) used extensively for ADHD. Click on the link below to give your child a better chance in life - it will explain about a natural ADHD treatment which is safe and free from side effects.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/adhd-articles/minerals-and-vitamins-for-adhd-simple-rules-to-feed-our-kids-743625.html

About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.