Is ADHD Real Or A Medical Hoax ?


Robert William Locke

Is ADHD real? The war rages on with both sides vehemently arguing their case. The ADHD deniers claim that this is the medical hoax of the millennium and that it has been deliberately hyped up by the by the pharmaceutical companies to line their pockets and swell their bank accounts. In addition, they deniers claim that the psycho-stimulant drugs used are unnecessary and even harmful.

On the other side of the fence we have the medical establishment who claim that the condition exists and that it can be successfully treated or symptoms at least alleviated with their drugs. They say that the side effects are minimal and there are no long term harmful effects. There is no doubt at all in their minds that the question \'is ADHD a legitimate disorder\' is a pointless one. That is the controversy in a nutshell.

Let us look first at the evidence, scientific and neurological,regarding the question \'is ADHD real?\' The answer is that for the last fifty years, there has been an enormous amount of research done which gives a resounding yes to the question \'is ADHD a legitimate disorder?\' The answer as to what causes ADHD lies in the roots of our brain chemistry. There are chemical neurotransmitters which are essential to us carrying out tasks, focusing and concentrating which are all controlled by these chemical messengers.

There is a strong genetic link. We now know that fathers who have had ADHD themselves have a 30possibility of having a child with this mental disorder. That is quite a high percentage and work is ongoing to show that there is indeed a genetic link.

There is no definitive medical test which can exclude or confirm the diagnosis of ADHD and that has led to so many problems. As the diagnosis is largely based on questionnaires answered by parents and teachers, there is room for loose interpretation as the criteria have to match categories such as \'often\' or \'present on certain days\'. That is all open to subjective interpretation which could be one of the reasons why ADHD is overdiagnosed , in my opinion. This is another reason why people continually ask \'Is ADHD real?\'

ADHD is so real that if it is left untreated , it can ruin many lives and often children carry it into adulthood because nobody bothered to have it checked out. Result ? Their lives are marred by difficulty in the workplace because they cannot stay focused on one task, they lack concentration, they may be hyperactive and their relationships at the personal and work level will suffer

Is ADHD real? The answer is a resounding yes and the effects of this condition affect the lives of millions of children and adults. As to the treatment available, the best option many parents have found is not to neglect ADHD behavioral therapy which will have a profound and lasting effect on how children control their behavior. In addition, there is a stormy debate about the use or overuse of psychostimulants and whether natural homeopathic remedies are the answer. Find out more by clicking on the link below.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Natural ADHD treatment is available.

How To Know If Your Child Has ADHD


Abhishek Agarwal

The first thing that may be noticeable about an ADD affected child is the increased level of physical acitivity, though hyperactivity does not always point to ADHD and usually combines other factors such as impulsive behavior, lack of attention or a certain tendency to be distracted.

While being distracted and having a reduced attention span are typical signs of ADD that go hand in hand, other symptoms include having a limited ability to attend to details and not being able to see tasks through till the end, which can even persist for more than six months at a stretch in extreme cases, adversely affecting the daily school work of the child.

Children diagnosed with ADD exhibit impulsive behavior that can manifest itself in many ways, including running away from their desks, getting distracted towards other classroom happenings and losing focus on the task at hand besides given answers to questions that were not asked; all these are common traits of ADD affected kids.

ADD-er kids are also very sensitive to criticism and comments made to them need to be toned down to prevent them getting hurt and too upset to perform productively as this hypersensitivity is a hindrance in letting them concentrate, resulting in poor grades even as they do not exactly have a learning difficultly. Thus, ADD affected kids in particular, need more understanding than regular kids as this low attention span makes them incapable of completing assigned tasks, lowering their schoolwork output.

ADD affected boys are different from girls diagnosed with the same condition: while boys are usually more active, girls exhibit short attention span in class but the similarity is that both sexes are difficult to manage due to unruly behaviour they exhibit, which can make them aggressive to the extent of being abusive. However, since all ADD affected children are separate individuals, they should be treated differently for the methods of controlling undesirable behavior and caregivers are advised to consult and verify their aggression and hyperactivity levels as being indicative of ADD by visiting a medical professional as only an expert can diagnose this condition accurately.

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About the Author

Abhishek has got some great ADHD Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 76 Pages Ebook, 'Understanding And Treating ADHD!' from his website .Only limited Free Copies available.

How to Control ADHD Impulsive Aggression in Children


Laura Ramirez

In ADHD impulsive aggression can be a troubling, yet all too common, symptom. While some children who suffer from ADHD will seem withdrawn and unable to maintain concentration, others will be more impulsive and prone to striking out at those around them. This can make every day life, particularly participating in social activities, a real ordeal.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, can manifest itself in many different ways. Symptoms can include everything from lack of concentration, hyperactivity, and distractibility to impulsiveness and lack of inhibition. Generally, when it comes to ADHD aggression is the most difficult symptom to deal with but it can be managed in the same way other symptoms are treated.

Most of us have the ability to control aggressive behavior, but in some children with ADHD impulsive aggression becomes a problem because the area of their brain that controls such behavior does not function properly. For these children, there simply is no “off button” for anger and aggression. What would be mundane annoyances for most of us can set off extreme, even dangerous, fits of temper in ADHD kids.

For many children with ADHD aggression can become a part of every day life. They may actually enjoy engaging in risky behavior and even look for conflict and they will likely display a greater than usual lack of patience. If things don’t go their way they can erupt into fits of anger and even lash out physically. They may also have difficulty controlling their speech, blurting out insults or foul language.

As difficult as it may be to accept as part of ADHD impulsive aggression is definitely a common symptom and children who exhibit this behavior need the same kind of patience and support as any other ADHD child. Behavioral therapy, dietary changes and the use of homeopathic remedies can all have a positive effect in terms of controlling aggression and impulsive tendencies.

Standard stimulant based medications can actually make ADHD aggression worse, so there is even more reason to avoid them if your child displays these behaviors. Removing natural stimulants like sugar from the diet and having the child use behavioral management techniques like focused learning and yoga can have a calming effect and enable the child to better control his concentration.

Homeopathic remedies work more effectively than anything else to control the symptoms of ADHD impulsive aggression because they are formulated with proven ingredients like Hyoscyamus, Arsen iod, Tuberculinum. Rather than just suppressing symptoms, these remedies address the neurological imbalance which causes the disorder, for more thorough and long lasting results. And they carry none of the serious side effects of standard medications.

ADHD can be a difficult condition to deal with, especially when it manifests in impulsive or aggressive behavior, but it does not have to take over your child’s life. With the right treatment, even the most disruptive forms of ADHD can be controlled, allowing ADHD children to lead happy, productive lives. So don’t be scared away by your child’s aggression, find a treatment which works and you can all start feeling happy again.

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About the Author

Laura Ramirez is a passionate researcher of natural remedies for ADHD and other health issues. Read more about her findings by going to

Ms. Ramirez is also the author of the award-winning parenting book, Keepers of the Children: Native American Wisdom and Parenting. Her book won a Nautilus Award for books that 'promote conscious living and social change.' She is the publisher of Family Matters Parenting Magazine and a keynote speaker.