How To Know If Your Child Has ADHD


Abhishek Agarwal

The first thing that may be noticeable about an ADD affected child is the increased level of physical acitivity, though hyperactivity does not always point to ADHD and usually combines other factors such as impulsive behavior, lack of attention or a certain tendency to be distracted.

While being distracted and having a reduced attention span are typical signs of ADD that go hand in hand, other symptoms include having a limited ability to attend to details and not being able to see tasks through till the end, which can even persist for more than six months at a stretch in extreme cases, adversely affecting the daily school work of the child.

Children diagnosed with ADD exhibit impulsive behavior that can manifest itself in many ways, including running away from their desks, getting distracted towards other classroom happenings and losing focus on the task at hand besides given answers to questions that were not asked; all these are common traits of ADD affected kids.

ADD-er kids are also very sensitive to criticism and comments made to them need to be toned down to prevent them getting hurt and too upset to perform productively as this hypersensitivity is a hindrance in letting them concentrate, resulting in poor grades even as they do not exactly have a learning difficultly. Thus, ADD affected kids in particular, need more understanding than regular kids as this low attention span makes them incapable of completing assigned tasks, lowering their schoolwork output.

ADD affected boys are different from girls diagnosed with the same condition: while boys are usually more active, girls exhibit short attention span in class but the similarity is that both sexes are difficult to manage due to unruly behaviour they exhibit, which can make them aggressive to the extent of being abusive. However, since all ADD affected children are separate individuals, they should be treated differently for the methods of controlling undesirable behavior and caregivers are advised to consult and verify their aggression and hyperactivity levels as being indicative of ADD by visiting a medical professional as only an expert can diagnose this condition accurately.

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About the Author

Abhishek has got some great ADHD Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 76 Pages Ebook, 'Understanding And Treating ADHD!' from his website .Only limited Free Copies available.

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