Pros and Cons of ADHD Medication


Mackenzie Quinn

Pros and Cons

Of ADHD Medication

On Children

By Mackenzie Quinn

June 1st 2009


As a parent of a child who has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) you are faced with deciding how to manage your child\'s ADHD symptoms. One options for treating the symptoms of ADHD that is highly debated is medication; some people strongly believe it is the best options and other believe medication shouldn\'t be used on children. Determining the best option for your child is an important decision that shouldn\'t be made without sufficient information. Before you make this decision, you should know that there are pros and cons to ADHD medication and that medication may be right for one child but not another. This article may help you as a parent or caregiver decide if medication is the right treatment method for your child.

Cause of ADHD

When treating ADHD, it is important to look at the cause. 'Scientists now believe that the impulsivity, short attention span and other symptoms associated with ADHD are caused by a specific dysfunction in the brain that is often inherited' (Wilens, 2004, p10). ADHD is a medical diagnosis with a medical cause, and many times medication offers a 'straight forward solution' (Wilsen, 2004, p12). Members of the medical community often compare the treatment of ADHD with medication to that of seizures or other health problems with a medical cause and believe that these medical symptoms can be managed with medication.

Symptoms of ADHD

The cause of ADHD is a dysfunction in the brain (Wilens, 2004) but parents and caregivers seek treatment to manage the hyperactivity, impulsivity, short attention span and other behaviors associated with ADHD. The symptoms of ADHD are behavioral and many think they should be treated in the same manner as other behavior problems. Stephen Flora writes in his book Taking America Off Drugs ' The best way to improve behavior is with behavior modification techniques' (Flora, 2007)

Overview of Treatment Options

As mentioned earlier, one treatment method for ADHD symptoms is medication; these medications are prescribed to 'diminish the inattention, distractibility, over activity, and impulsivity' caused by ADHD. These medications ideally allow students to perform to their fullest potential such as focus on their homework and listen to directions. For individuals who do not have ADHD and can focus on their work these medications may seen like performance enhancing drugs that are not necessary. As you know ADHD is more than just a little distractibility.

Along with medication, there are other ways to treat ADHD symptoms such as behavior therapy. Behavior therapy is a form of psychological treatment method that stems from behaviorism and focuses on observable and measurable behaviors. When applying behavior therapy to students who have ADHD the family works with the counselor to increase the occurrence of positive behaviors through routines and a better understanding of what the student needs. Some students can be treated with behavior therapy but for many children their symptoms are severe enough that behavior therapy isn\'t enough. Behavior therapy may not be enough because it treats the symptoms of ADHD not the cause of the problem. Students who have ADHD have aspects of their brains that are malfunctioning, these malfunctions cause the hyperactivity, inattention and other symptoms that behavior therapy attempts to control. For these students medication can help supplement the therapy or other forms of treatment being used.

Common Medications and Routines For Taking Medication

There are a wide variety of medications that are prescribed for the treatment of ADHD symptoms and you should discuss the specifics with your health care provider. Briefly, three of the top brands of medication are Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall.

Depending on the type of medication your child is taking they will have to take the medication anywhere from once a day to three or four times a day. Some medications are longer lasting and only need to be taken once a day while others are short term and must be taken more frequently. Both are safe and effective options.

Pros of Medication

The most important pro to ADHD medication is the reduction or elimination of the behavioral symptoms associated with ADHD. By reducing students hyperactivity and giving them the ability to focus, medication gives many students the ability to perform better in school, make friends and participate in extra curricular activities.

Many parents worry that their children will become addicted to the ADHD medication. However, there is no physical way for children to become addicted to ADHD medication because addiction comes from a high or state of euphoria and the medications used to manage ADHD symptoms do not cause students to have a high.

There have been numerous studies indicating that psychotropic drugs are safe, tolerable and useful for children. As of 2004 there have been 'over 250 scientifically controlled studies of the stimulant medications for ADHD' (Wilen, 2004, p 91) These studies suggest that if children take the prescribed dosage indicated by their doctor, then the medication is safe and that the majority of the side effects are mild.

Cons of Medication

Now that we have looked at some of the pros of ADHD medication lets examine some of the cons. One aspect of ADHD medication that should be of concern to parents is that there are very few studies done on the long-term affects of the medication. So, while we know that these medications are safe in the short term the prospect of giving students medication without knowing the long-term effects bring cause for hesitation.

There are also mild side effects associated with many of the medications including loss of appetite, difficulty falling asleep, dizziness, moodiness and growth problems. These side effects should be monitored but for the most part are easily managed. For specific side effects consult your health care provider.

And even though students cannot become physically addicted to these forms of medication, they can form a psychological dependency. This dependency can develop when students feel they need medication for everything or when they are afraid to go off their medication.

Decision Making

When deciding whether medication is right for your child there are 4 things to consider; side effects, the severity of your child\'s symptoms, if your child\'s symptoms are being managed with other forms of treatment how your child feel about medication. Before you make this decision talk, with your child\'s teacher, the school counselor or psychologist, your health care provider and most importantly your child. While this may seem overwhelming now, the more information you can gather the easier this decision will be.


As you can see there are pros and cons to ADHD medication and what is right for one child and family will not necessarily be right for another. When choosing whether to try medication as a way to manage the symptoms of your child\'s ADHD make sure to consider the pros and cons along with your child\'s characteristics and the attitude of the school.


Flora, Stephen Ray. Taking America Off Drugs (2007) State University of New York Press, Albany

Wilens, Timothy E. Straight Talk About Psychiatric Medication For Kids, (2004) TheGuilford Press, New York


Resources For Parents To Get More Information

  • Straight Talk About Psychiatric Medication For Kids- This book was written for parents who have questions about the affects and risks of psychiatric medication on children. It is a basic guide for what parents need to know about a wide variety of psychiatric medications including ADHD medications.
    • Wilens, Timothy E. Straight Talk About Psychiatric Medication For Kids, (2004) TheGuilford Press, New York
  • Taking America Off Drugs; Why Behavior Therapy is More Effeftive for Treating ADHD, OCD, Depression, And Other Psychological Problems- This books presents behavior therapy as an alternative treatment method for ADHD instead of medication. The book does a good job of showing the other side of treating psychological problems.
    • Flora, Stephen Ray. Taking America Off Drugs (2007) State University of New York Press, Albany
  • CHADD- this website is a support system for parents of children with Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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About the Author

Facts On ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type


Robert William Locke

Many parents are convinced that inattentive ADHD is a curse rather than a blessing. Certainly it presents its problems but we should always remember that quite a few ADHD kids are extremely intelligent. In this article I want to outline some facts on the ADHD predominantly inattentive type which often gets left out because there is a lot of attention given to the hyperactive type or the combined type.

The first fact is that with the ADHD predominantly inattentive type, there is a greater possibility of having a co-morbid disorder such as anxiety, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) or ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). Looking on the bright side, these kids can do very well in the performing arts when they grow up. They have a great talent for pursuing subjects that interest them in great detail. They can become experts in certain things which they are passionate about and are loyal and caring.

The second fact is that they can really pay attention to things which stimulate them and which absorb their attention and they are not distracted at all. This type of activity might be a sport which they are good at or a video game. The challenge for parents and teachers is to make school subjects and homework interesting and challenging for them. Dr Amen, the ADHD expert is convinced that one of the best ways of dealing with the ADHD predominantly inattentive type is to provide the right stimulation to perform even complex tasks. More often than not, the inattentive ADHD type child is going to hop from one task to another, often lose things, get sidetracked and in this way, the task or homework never gets done.

The third fact to bear in mind when dealing with the ADHD predominantly inattentive type is that the most effective treatment is a combination of ADHD behavior therapy combined with medication. But which medication ? Some of the psychostimulants (which we must always remember are mainly amphetamines) may offer some relief for symptoms like helping the child to stay focused but they will never cure the condition and are full of unknowns as regards side effects and health risks. The natural cures such as ADHD homeopathic remedies are not well publicized because there are no drug company consortiums backing them and in a way, homeopathic medicine has remained the Cinderella of medical treatment. You can find out why thousands and thousands of parents are now turning to this much safer cheaper option for inattentive ADHD from the link below.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Natural ADHD treatment is available

Free Social Stories For Autistic Children - What Are Social Stories?

Author:Autism AdvisorFree Social Stories For Autistic Children

Social stories are one of the techniques the are used in children with Autism. Although such is completed in a structured way for children with Autism it is a technique that has been spent for centuries. Parents own constantly talked and illustrated imminent situations in an endeavor to ease the children\'s fears. Free Social Stories For Autistic Children

Many times social stories are written with the childs\' name as the name of the person in the story. For some children this seems to be an easier way to talk about themselves. It is almost like talking about a child like they are someone else. On some level a child with Autism does seem to understand that the story is about them.

A social story to describe future behavior will help a child with Autism calm their fears as well. More importantly it can help shape their behavior. The story does not have to be long or complex but it does need to show the child what a parent expects to happen and what a parent expects the child to do. Free Social Stories For Autistic Children

Many non-verbal children like to listen to stories. One of the suggestions is to write the story. Try to keep it to one page. Read the story to your child and give a copy to them. It may well surprise a parent that the non-verbal child wants a copy.

Keep in mind that we do not always know how much non-verbal children understand. They may be able to read some or part of the story. The only caution in this process is to be careful with children who eat paper. Free Social Stories For Autistic Children

Social stories can also be used to go over past behavior. The twist with this type of social story is that you can change what your child did in the past in this new story. Of course in this way you can supply information about behavior in a way the child can \'get it\'. Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Free Social Stories For Autistic Children program now!
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About the Author
Feeling lost without solutions? Free Social Stories For Autistic Children is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

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