ADHD Alternative Treatments - 4 Powerful Non-medical Treatments For ADHD


Abhishek Agarwal

The movement away from using stimulants and medication that includes stimulants for the treatment of ADHD has resulted in a growing market for alternative treatments. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has grown massively as a recognized illness in the past twenty years. What is surprising is that there is still a limited amount of treatments available which could be classed as \'alternative\'. What follows are four powerful non-medical treatments.

1. Brainwave Bio-feedback Training

2. Behavior Modification Therapy

3. Eating / Diet Interventions

4. Nutraceutical Medicines known as Extress and Attend

These therapies can be very helpful and give significant advantages in some situations. They are excellent when combined with the expertise of a counselor who has experience working with ADD and ADHD. Unfortunately many counselors will have little knowledge of working with people with these disorders.

'Attend' and 'Extress' have both been found to be superb substitutes for stimulant treatment medicines. Both of these are complicated procedures, engineered so as to achieve optimum efficiency in brain activity in individuals experiencing problems with concentration, with overcoming rage, with impulse control, with listening and paying attention, or with hyperactivity.

EEG Biofeedback training which is also known to many as Neuro feedback, has been around for at least twenty years. In that sense it may be seen by some as old technology, but it has not stood still in that time. With the development of super fast computers the technology has grown into a recognised alternative treatment for healing of ADD. And over the time it has taken to enhance the methods, a huge amount of study has taken place into EEG Biofeedback. There are many websites and a wealth of information available on this including EEG Spectrum, and other treatment alternatives are also documented well.

Eating plans and diet improvements can also have significant constructive effects on people with ADD or with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Even though we are reluctant to accept that this involvement can be applied as effectively overall as either Attend and Extress, or a session of EEG Biofeedback methods, we certainly do consider that each person with ADHD should try diet involvement.

A lot of people with ADD and ADHD will be assisted by nutritional supplements. Among the most effective supplements are often Essential Fatty Acids also often known as Omega Oils. It is also important to use supplementary minerals such as Zinc. The 'Attend' nutraceutical will provide the necessary fatty acids. You also get them in Borage Oil or Flax Seed Oil. They can in addition be found in fish, and you can just give your child more of tuna fish to eat.

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Abhishek has got some great ADHD Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 76 Pages Ebook, 'Understanding And Treating ADHD!' from his website .Only limited Free Copies available.

New Adhd Drug - Advantages and Drawbacks


Robert William Locke

What have Hitler\'s troops and ADHD children got in common? Well, they were/are both on amphetamines! The troops had to have energy to perform their \'blitzkrieg\' and the ADHD kids need them to focus. It is no secret that GIs in WWII were given amphetamines to combat fatigue. The ADHD psychostimulant drugs which contain amphetamine and dextroamphetamine are now getting a bad press because of their nasty side effects, especially as they can become addictive and lead to drug abuse. A new non-stimulant drug Tenex used for ADHD has now hit the scene.

Tenex and ADHD
Tenex is a drug for high blood pressure which helps the arteries to relax allowing the heart to beat more easily. Basically the drug acts on the prefrontal cortex of the brain and lessens the impact of incoming stimuli, thus helping the patient to focus much better. It has been estimated that up to 30of children on ADHD psychostimulants have problems with their side effects and therefore Tenex used for ADHD seems to be a valid alternative. . You may see it advertised as Guanfacine or Dipresan in countries outside the USA.

Side Effects of Tenex
Of course Tenex has side effects which range from drowsiness, headache, constipation, feelings of weakness, dry mouth and feeling dizzy. There are also reports of heart rate slowing down (even below 60 beats a minute) which can be quite alarming for a child. Sometimes blood pressure can oscillate between very high and very low. In addition, children have reported the sensation of their throat closing and a swelling of the tongue and lips. Hives, depression and a feeling of fatigue complete the picture! This drug has been used also to rehabilitate drug users who find that the slowing of the heart rate helps them in their withdrawal symptoms. Tenex used for ADHD could be the usual two edged sword.

The jury is still out on Tenex and ADHD and understandably so ! It seems that we are replacing one set of side effects with another. The fact that it is a non-stimulant drug does not matter. What matters is that the side effects may cause more problems than it solves. Because of this, many parents refuse to go down the ADHD medication road and especially that of Tenex used for ADHD as it is a relatively new drug and the long term effects are uncharted waters. They are looking for alternative ADHD remedies which are non-addictive, safe and above all free from side effects. The link below will answer all your questions about this treatment so that you can make an informed choice.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

Autistic Children And Music - Good Activities For Children With Autism


Autism Advisor

Autistic Children And Music

Here\'s select fine and fun activities suggestions for autistic children:

1. You could play with him in a swimming pool. Make a splashing game or a kick game. Get some clear pool toys or beach toys covet beach ball, floating rings, etc. Sing a song so he could easily swim with the beat and feel relax. Remember to keep a good eye on the child additonally in a pool. Autistic Children And Music

2. In a class, you could print out some pictures of eating, sports, going to the bathroom, sleep and everything that may happen in his daily life. Let him make a schedule for himself, he should like this activity, because children with autism take constant schedules very seriously. And if the schedule they followed everyday is broken, it will ruin their day badly.

3. Big tupperware items filled with rice or beans will be fun, you can put little toys in them and have the autistic child put his hand into the rice or beans to find them. The game could make a mess, but they would love it.

4. Sensory play is widely suggested, too. You could take the child to a children\'s museum if there\'s one nearby. Commonly, there will be something that could interests the child.

5. Structured activities with a clear start, middle and end are always good for children with autism because they like rules, organization and structure. Gymanasitics is a common game that autistic children do well at since there is less reliance on language(children with autism often have little communication skills) but a lot of motor movement and imitation. Autistic Children And Music

6. If music can calm the child down, you can introduce different instruments to him, with some music playing gently in the background. You can let him beat a drum and learn different rhythms.

7. There are some therapeutic horse riding groups that you can participate in, children can learn to feed and take care of horses in their lessons.

8. Every child with autism is different, you should find out his likes and dislikes and continue to do the things he seems to enjoy. Autistic Children And Music

Hope this helpful! Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Autistic Children And Music program now!

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Feeling lost without solutions? Autistic Children And Music is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

Try The Program and change child\'s life forever!