Free Social Stories For Autism - College And The Autistic Student


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Free Social Stories For Autism

Autism, a neurological-based developmental disability, affects an anticipated one in 166 people, according to a 2004 study by the Centers for Disease Control Prevention. Both children and adults in Autism often times show tribulations in verbal and nonverbal communication, social interactions and leisure or play activities, according to the Autism Society of America. Autism causes individuals differently and to varying degrees. Free Social Stories For Autism

Experts agree on the following advice upon detection of Autism:

1. Seek immediate treatment for your child.

2. If possible, find someone to work with the child at least 20 hours a week, i.e. a therapist, teacher, parent, grandparent or someone from your church or group. Look for progress after one month.

3. Do not allow the child to sit and watch TV all day. Get them engaged and play as many games as possible that require taking turns.

4. New parents learning they have an autistic child must recognize immediately that they cannot do it all by themselves. They should immediately contact Autism societies or chapters to find resources, join support groups and talk with other families about their experiences. Free Social Stories For Autism

5. Help the child to develop their areas of strength, particularly among high-functioning students with Asperger\'s Syndrome (a neurobiological condition characterized by normal intelligence and language development with deficiencies in social and communication skills), and get them job experiences during high school.

Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia is one of the few colleges in the US that has a special program in their Autism Training Center, which works with Autism spectrum disorders like Aspergers. Although many colleges have counselors and staff familiar with Autism, only Marshall has a program tailored specifically for autistic students. The program serves three of the university\'s 16,360 students and may eventually accommodate 10; it will remain small by choice. Free Social Stories For Autism

'The goal is not for all students with Autism to attend Marshall, but for the program to become a model for other colleges,' says Barbara Becker-Cottrill, the Center\'s director. 'The true goal is for students to have the ability to attend the university of their choice. Our work will be working with other universities on how to establish a program such as this on their own campuses.' Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Free Social Stories For Autism program now!

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Feeling lost without solutions? Free Social Stories For Autism is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

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