Autism Research Paper - Celiac Disease, Autism & Developmental Disorders


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Autism Research Paper

It appears that the basis of this story traces back to a 1998 medical paper that suggested that autistic children often suffered from a problem called 'leaky gut' / 'autistic entercolitis'.

The idea was that opiates found in gluten and casein (dairy) were released when gluten food was improperly digested. This happened when the GI tract was damaged by such things as celiac disease. The opiates then supposedly were released into the bloodstream causing or increasing obvious autistic like symptoms. This paper is now widely discredited and retracted. Autism Research Paper

The current concern is that the \'bounce back effect\' from such a retraction is the discrediting of celiac disease in healthy and autistic children. For those unaware of \'Developmental disorders\' in children they cover five main categories. These are:


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit disorder (ADD)

Non-verbal learning disorder (NLD)

Pervasive development disorder (PDD)


Some of the symptoms of celiac disease and/ or milk intolerance on the Gastro Intestinal (GI) tract in children are:

- Bloating/swollen tummy

- Breaking wind frequently

- Constipation

- Craving/ dislike for certain foods

- Dark shadows under the eyes

- Diarrhea

- Eating non-food items e.g. earth, paper, sand, soap

- Excessive sweating, especially at night

- Giggling/ screaming for no apparent reason

- Gut disorders in the family

- Inability to control body temperature

- Pale skin/pasty face

It appears that the most rigorous research into the possible links between celiac disease (or other GI disorders) and autism (or other related Developmental disorders) are coming from American PEDIATRICS department studies. Autism Research Paper

One definition of Autism is that that it is that it is a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) that is generally manifested in the first 3 years of life and characterized by dysfunction in social interaction and communication AND although not included in the diagnostic criteria, there have been many reports describing gastrointestinal symptoms in 9to 84of children with autism. Autism Research Paper

However the very latest papers released in January 2010 suggest that 'care providers should be aware that problem behavior in patients with ASD\'s may be the primary or sole symptom of the underlying medical condition, including some gastrointestinal disorders. Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Autism Research Paper program now!

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