How To Know Which Foods To Avoid If Your Child Has ADHD


Robert William Locke

Nutrition and ADHD is a hot topic right now in the ADHD blogs and forums. You, as a parent will be paying more and more attention to the foods to avoid if you have an ADHD child.

Foods to avoid for ADHD can be summed up very easily - less sugar, salt and food colourings/additives. Let us look more closely at what this involves for a parent running a family with a thousand things to think about and remember. In the UK, there are far too many schools still serving fast food in the form of chips/French fries, pizza and sausages. In spite of Jamie Oliver\'s best efforts, there are not many schools which will serve fruit and vegetables, salads and other healthy snacks. That is the healthiest diet any child can have whether they have ADHD or not.

At home, it is best to avoid any instant food such as powdered soups which are bound to contain MSG (monosodium glutamate). This latter additive has a very high salt content.

Sugar itself does not cause hyperactivity but it can lead to spikes in glucose levels which will cause mood swings. Sugary foods to avoid if you have a child with ADHD child will range from sweetened yogurts, ice cream, chocolate, breakfast cereals, energy bars and any sweetened drinks. All sugars are not created equal and if you opt for honey that can be beneficial as the pollen it contains can help with allergies. Molasses also contain trace minerals and iron. Soda and pop are also to be avoided as the additives they contain have been shown to be a contributing factor to ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity and inappropriate behaviour. The UK and the EU have how taken steps to ban these and some colourings from food products.

As well as thinking seriously about which foods to avoid if you have an ADHD child, you will also have to think of what kind of medication to help your child cope with ADHD symptoms. There are now more and more doubts being raised about ADHD meds which are basically psychostimulants. Medical authorities and experts now tell us that a combination therapy of medication, diet and behaviour therapy is the best approach. But which medication? Natural cures which use homeopathy for ADHD are now regarded as being more effective, safer and free from side effects. As well as the foods to avoid if you have a child with ADHD, why not think about which medications to avoid?

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Natural ADHD treatment is available.

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