My Son Can\'t Focus - What Every Parent Needs To Know


Robert William Locke

What can have happened? What is in the environment, kids\' food that has made the number of cases of ADHD to skyrocket in the last ten years? These are really important questions. The most common symptom of ADHD is lack of focus and most parents of ADHD kids say \'my son can\'t focus\'.

The question of focus was even brought up recently in the British Parliament when an MP put forward some research which suggests that increased use of Internet could be a possible cause of ADHD. Why could this be true? More research needs to be done, obviously, but it has been pointed out that online relationships do NOT require a sensitivity to the inflection of the voice, eye contact, tone of voice or body language. Too much time online could mean that the child will not focus because of the ease of instant gratification obtained by the media. The same goes for texting and cell phones.

Many parents are unaware or simply forget that when they complain that \'my son can\'t focus\' they are forgetting the fact that sometimes hyperfocus comes into play and they forget about this. The fact of the matter is that kids with ADHD often have widely different levels of inattention and this can go from one extreme of complete inattentiveness to that of a hyperfocused state where the activity is so riveting for the child, that he becomes oblivious of everything else around him.

Often boring and necessary tasks like homework will have no appeal to the ADHD child because it does not give the instant gratification that other tasks or activities give, such as a movie or computer game. \'My son can\'t focus\' will not just include a lack of attention to detail or forgetting his schoolbag. It seems to be a much more complex issue.

When and if ADHD is diagnosed, there will be many types of treatment competing for your attention. You may not want to blast your child\'s brain with powerful mind altering psychostimulants such as Strattera and Ritalin which can have some nasty side effects such as chest pains, irregular heart beat, blurred vision, liver damage and sometimes even stunted growth. What about a homeopathic remedy which will use non addictive ingredients in a gentler remedy which will improve concentration, memory and will calm your child? The child will not focus will be a thing of the past. There are no side effects either. Soon, you will not be repeating the complaint that \'my son can\'t focus\'.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what natural ADHD medications are available.
Smart parenting is the key to successful ADHD treatment and the problem child. Sign up for FREE Parenting tips on
child behavior problems

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