Treating Impulsive Behaviors In ADHD - A Must Know Guide


Robert William Locke

What do you do when a child dashes across a road or jumps into a swimming pool in winter fully clothed?
Although you cannot do much at the time, there are ways to lessen the chances of this happening. First let us look at what impulsive behaviors involve and then look at ways of treating impulsive behaviours.

ADHD impulsive behavior is well documented and usually consists in acting without thinking of the consequences and that can range from blurting out answers out of turn, interrupting and grabbing toys from other kids and a whole lot of other impulsive actions which can endanger the child and sometimes, those around him.

How do you go about treating impulsive behaviors or better still in preventing them from happening? Even from a very young age, you can impose consequences for impulsive behavior. You can ask the child to explain what he has just done and why he did it without thinking. Then you can impose the consequences quickly and immediately. Similarly if a child has not grabbed a toy, he can be rewarded and this again should be done immediately.

Another way of preventing this type of behavior is to reduce to an absolute minimum the situations where strong emotions such as excitement, anger or even hunger can lead the child to act impulsively. Parents can usually forestall these situations and thereby reduce the risk. Learning how to control their bodies is important too so activities like the freeze dance are great for treating impulsive behaviors.

Some parents think that ADHD medication like Ritalin can calm a child down and this may be the best way in treating impulsive behaviors. This may happen in some cases but the side effects are too much of an unknown and some parents want an alternative. Actually the real aternative is parenting an impulsive child intelligently is by using ADHD behavior modification and I have indicated just a few techniques in the examples above. The second way is to take a look at ADHD homeopathic remedies as these are far safer and gentler and have no side effects at all. This is probably the safest way in treating ADHD and combined with behavior modifcation is probably the best technique of all in parenting an impulsive child.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what is the best way of treating impulsive behaviors .
Smart parenting is the key to successful ADHD treatment and the problem child. Sign up for FREE Parenting tips on
child behavior problems

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