Autism Training For Teachers - Autism Special Needs Training And Teaching Strategies


Autism Advisor

Autism Training For Teachers

Autism special needs training and teaching strategies may include:

For some nonverbal children with autism, it would be easier for them to associate words with pictures if they see both the printed picture and the printed word on the same side of a flash card. It is advised that you work with real objects and photos first, because some of them are unable to understand line drawings. Autism Training For Teachers

Some children with autism special needs don\'t recognize that speech is actually used in order for us to communicate with others. Learning how to speak can be made easy by doing language exercises that encourage communication. When your child is asking for a spoon, provide him/her with a spoon. When your child is asking for a glass, when he/she really wants a spoon, provide him/her with a glass. The child needs to be taught that when he/she speaks and says the words, what they say actually happens.

Children that find it hard to understand speech, has difficulty in differentiating between the hard or voiced consonant sounds such as 'L' in log and 'D' in dog. Enunciating and stretching these sounds will help the child learn to hear the sounds. If your child has successfully passed a 'pure tone hearing test', he/she may still find it difficult to hear hard consonants. Children who only speak using vowel sounds are unable to hear the consonant sounds. Autism Training For Teachers

Using the television sets closed captions feature has proven to be helpful in making your child learn how to read. It will allow your child to read the printed words on the captions and match them with the spoken words. It would be best if you could record the favorite program of your child with captions and play it over and over again.

Children with autism special needs that has visual processing challenges can see the flicker on television old CRT computer monitors. Flat panel television sets and laptops flicker a lot less and some children with autism see better on them.

Teaching children with autism how to generalize things has always been a big challenge to their care providers. To teach your child the rule of not to suddenly run across a street, you need to teach the principle to your child in many different places. If you only teach your child in one location, he/she might assume that the principle is only applicable to that specific location only. Autism Training For Teachers

If you think that there is 'something not right' with your child you must find out as soon as possible if autism is the issue. Treatments are less effective with each passing day as we grow older, so find out now with the complete autism resource for determining symptoms and goes into depth about ALL treatment options for autism, natural AND medical. Includes a mountain of information concisely written to cover all the important topics such as symptoms, all treatments, training and teaching information for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Autism Training For Teachers program now!

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Feeling lost without solutions? Autism Training For Teachers is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

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Autism Research Paper - Celiac Disease, Autism & Developmental Disorders


Autism Advisor

Autism Research Paper

It appears that the basis of this story traces back to a 1998 medical paper that suggested that autistic children often suffered from a problem called 'leaky gut' / 'autistic entercolitis'.

The idea was that opiates found in gluten and casein (dairy) were released when gluten food was improperly digested. This happened when the GI tract was damaged by such things as celiac disease. The opiates then supposedly were released into the bloodstream causing or increasing obvious autistic like symptoms. This paper is now widely discredited and retracted. Autism Research Paper

The current concern is that the \'bounce back effect\' from such a retraction is the discrediting of celiac disease in healthy and autistic children. For those unaware of \'Developmental disorders\' in children they cover five main categories. These are:


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit disorder (ADD)

Non-verbal learning disorder (NLD)

Pervasive development disorder (PDD)


Some of the symptoms of celiac disease and/ or milk intolerance on the Gastro Intestinal (GI) tract in children are:

- Bloating/swollen tummy

- Breaking wind frequently

- Constipation

- Craving/ dislike for certain foods

- Dark shadows under the eyes

- Diarrhea

- Eating non-food items e.g. earth, paper, sand, soap

- Excessive sweating, especially at night

- Giggling/ screaming for no apparent reason

- Gut disorders in the family

- Inability to control body temperature

- Pale skin/pasty face

It appears that the most rigorous research into the possible links between celiac disease (or other GI disorders) and autism (or other related Developmental disorders) are coming from American PEDIATRICS department studies. Autism Research Paper

One definition of Autism is that that it is that it is a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) that is generally manifested in the first 3 years of life and characterized by dysfunction in social interaction and communication AND although not included in the diagnostic criteria, there have been many reports describing gastrointestinal symptoms in 9to 84of children with autism. Autism Research Paper

However the very latest papers released in January 2010 suggest that 'care providers should be aware that problem behavior in patients with ASD\'s may be the primary or sole symptom of the underlying medical condition, including some gastrointestinal disorders. Don\'t let your love ones suffer anymore! Lead them out through Autism Research Paper program now!

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Feeling lost without solutions? Autism Research Paper is a proven Autism Solution for your Child.

Try The Program and change child\'s life forever!

How To Know Which Foods To Avoid If Your Child Has ADHD


Robert William Locke

Nutrition and ADHD is a hot topic right now in the ADHD blogs and forums. You, as a parent will be paying more and more attention to the foods to avoid if you have an ADHD child.

Foods to avoid for ADHD can be summed up very easily - less sugar, salt and food colourings/additives. Let us look more closely at what this involves for a parent running a family with a thousand things to think about and remember. In the UK, there are far too many schools still serving fast food in the form of chips/French fries, pizza and sausages. In spite of Jamie Oliver\'s best efforts, there are not many schools which will serve fruit and vegetables, salads and other healthy snacks. That is the healthiest diet any child can have whether they have ADHD or not.

At home, it is best to avoid any instant food such as powdered soups which are bound to contain MSG (monosodium glutamate). This latter additive has a very high salt content.

Sugar itself does not cause hyperactivity but it can lead to spikes in glucose levels which will cause mood swings. Sugary foods to avoid if you have a child with ADHD child will range from sweetened yogurts, ice cream, chocolate, breakfast cereals, energy bars and any sweetened drinks. All sugars are not created equal and if you opt for honey that can be beneficial as the pollen it contains can help with allergies. Molasses also contain trace minerals and iron. Soda and pop are also to be avoided as the additives they contain have been shown to be a contributing factor to ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity and inappropriate behaviour. The UK and the EU have how taken steps to ban these and some colourings from food products.

As well as thinking seriously about which foods to avoid if you have an ADHD child, you will also have to think of what kind of medication to help your child cope with ADHD symptoms. There are now more and more doubts being raised about ADHD meds which are basically psychostimulants. Medical authorities and experts now tell us that a combination therapy of medication, diet and behaviour therapy is the best approach. But which medication? Natural cures which use homeopathy for ADHD are now regarded as being more effective, safer and free from side effects. As well as the foods to avoid if you have a child with ADHD, why not think about which medications to avoid?

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Natural ADHD treatment is available.

My Son Can\'t Focus - What Every Parent Needs To Know


Robert William Locke

What can have happened? What is in the environment, kids\' food that has made the number of cases of ADHD to skyrocket in the last ten years? These are really important questions. The most common symptom of ADHD is lack of focus and most parents of ADHD kids say \'my son can\'t focus\'.

The question of focus was even brought up recently in the British Parliament when an MP put forward some research which suggests that increased use of Internet could be a possible cause of ADHD. Why could this be true? More research needs to be done, obviously, but it has been pointed out that online relationships do NOT require a sensitivity to the inflection of the voice, eye contact, tone of voice or body language. Too much time online could mean that the child will not focus because of the ease of instant gratification obtained by the media. The same goes for texting and cell phones.

Many parents are unaware or simply forget that when they complain that \'my son can\'t focus\' they are forgetting the fact that sometimes hyperfocus comes into play and they forget about this. The fact of the matter is that kids with ADHD often have widely different levels of inattention and this can go from one extreme of complete inattentiveness to that of a hyperfocused state where the activity is so riveting for the child, that he becomes oblivious of everything else around him.

Often boring and necessary tasks like homework will have no appeal to the ADHD child because it does not give the instant gratification that other tasks or activities give, such as a movie or computer game. \'My son can\'t focus\' will not just include a lack of attention to detail or forgetting his schoolbag. It seems to be a much more complex issue.

When and if ADHD is diagnosed, there will be many types of treatment competing for your attention. You may not want to blast your child\'s brain with powerful mind altering psychostimulants such as Strattera and Ritalin which can have some nasty side effects such as chest pains, irregular heart beat, blurred vision, liver damage and sometimes even stunted growth. What about a homeopathic remedy which will use non addictive ingredients in a gentler remedy which will improve concentration, memory and will calm your child? The child will not focus will be a thing of the past. There are no side effects either. Soon, you will not be repeating the complaint that \'my son can\'t focus\'.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what natural ADHD medications are available.
Smart parenting is the key to successful ADHD treatment and the problem child. Sign up for FREE Parenting tips on
child behavior problems

Inattentive ADHD- Three Action Points For Parents


Robert William Locke

Inattentive ADHD which is a subtype of ADHD is often under diagnosed for one very simple reason. The fact that hyperactivity is not the prominent symptom means that it often goes unnoticed. The inattentive ADHD child is quiet and daydreaming and this does not disturb the teacher or the class. Very often inattentive ADHD children sit at the back of the class which is another reason why it tends to get ignored.

The first action point is to determine whether you should seek a medical diagnosis. It is important that this should be done not before the age of four or five. Very often a child forgets things, is distractive and impulsive too, on occasions. It is when these symptoms start impinging on the child\'s home and school life that you should start to think of getting a diagnosis.

The second action point is to talk to the child\'s teacher and ask just what is the problem and what things the teacher has observed. Obviously, for this type of ADHD, if indeed it is eventually diagnosed, daydreaming will be most often mentioned. But there are other things to ask about too. For example, are there problems with instructions? Very often with this ADHD predominantly inattentive type, the frontal and parietal parts of the brain are affected although neurologists do not know exactly how or why. This is the part of the brain which is sort of an action or planning unit which helps us to organise and execute actions when we have to do them and how we should carry them out. This is often called executive functioning..

The third action point for parents, if inattentive ADHD type is diagnosed, is to consider carefully what type of medication will be the most suitable for their child. The problem with ADHD drugs and psychostimulants is that they often help with some of the symptoms of inattentive ADHD and may help the child to focus but the side effects and the long term risks need to be evaluated. The most important thing is that the parents and the school are concentrating on teaching the child skills whereby he or she can cope with tasks. Breaking the task down into smaller chunks is an obvious way to help.

Thousands of parents are no longer falling for hype about ADHD drugs and will have nothing to do with them. Why not find out what alternative treatments are available for the ADHD predominantly inattentive type?

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Natural ADHD treatment is available

Adhd Success Stories and Challenges


Robert William Locke

Success Stories

Parents of children with ADHD are often a bit worried that their children will be considered inferior and may well not be successful in life. There is a great debate at the moment about whether ADHD is to be thought of as a gift or as a challenge. Look at the famous people who have had ADHD:- Richard Branson, Ty Pennington, Charles Schwab and Whoopi Goldberg. They have been enormously successful.

Many people forget that the gift ADHD children possess in abundance is the ability to focus - I know some who can write extraordinarily well and I know others who can do certain things with great skill. Oftentimes they need to be guided and encouraged by their teachers and parents but they can and do make a go of it!

I have just seen press reports from New South Wales in Australia where doctors have seen a worrying surge in the number of psychostimulant drugs being prescribed for children with attention deficit disorder. Ritalin and Concerta, two popular drugs have seen an increase of almost 70 Figures are similar in the USA and in Britain.


These medications for attention deficit have had a very bad press at times. They are NOT a cure for ADHD but rather will keep symptoms under control. Some good news is that in a recent study, no damage to the DNA or chromosomes which is normally linked to cancer was found in the children who took the trial. This was a very limited trial though, I must say.

Adult attention deficit disorders, on the other hand have had not much press at all and this is worrying. We all know the ADHD symptoms in a child. Did you know that between 1 and 2of the adults in America have problems in controlling their impulses and have great difficulties in concentrating ? Very often symptoms in adults are difficult to spot. Have you noticed yourself (or colleagues) who are easily distracted, are notorious multi-taskers, get extremely irritated when driving, have difficulty in remembering details and also may have even hourly mood swings? They could well be suffering from ADHD but very often this will go undetected and undiagnosed.

Medications for attention deficit and/or hyperactivity still pose problems. Those with heart conditions are likely to suffer from related cardio problems and even have high blood pressure. Add to that that there is often a suppression of appetite and you have a cocktail which will probably create more problems for the patient than they solve.


Parents often seek an ADHD alternative therapy. Diet, exercise and changes in routine can all have a beneficial effect. The great advantage in using herbal or homeopathic remedies is that they have no side effects and sedation is not a problem either. Find out more about a natural cure for ADHD by clicking on the link below.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.

Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.

ADHD Alternative Treatments - 4 Powerful Non-medical Treatments For ADHD


Abhishek Agarwal

The movement away from using stimulants and medication that includes stimulants for the treatment of ADHD has resulted in a growing market for alternative treatments. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has grown massively as a recognized illness in the past twenty years. What is surprising is that there is still a limited amount of treatments available which could be classed as \'alternative\'. What follows are four powerful non-medical treatments.

1. Brainwave Bio-feedback Training

2. Behavior Modification Therapy

3. Eating / Diet Interventions

4. Nutraceutical Medicines known as Extress and Attend

These therapies can be very helpful and give significant advantages in some situations. They are excellent when combined with the expertise of a counselor who has experience working with ADD and ADHD. Unfortunately many counselors will have little knowledge of working with people with these disorders.

'Attend' and 'Extress' have both been found to be superb substitutes for stimulant treatment medicines. Both of these are complicated procedures, engineered so as to achieve optimum efficiency in brain activity in individuals experiencing problems with concentration, with overcoming rage, with impulse control, with listening and paying attention, or with hyperactivity.

EEG Biofeedback training which is also known to many as Neuro feedback, has been around for at least twenty years. In that sense it may be seen by some as old technology, but it has not stood still in that time. With the development of super fast computers the technology has grown into a recognised alternative treatment for healing of ADD. And over the time it has taken to enhance the methods, a huge amount of study has taken place into EEG Biofeedback. There are many websites and a wealth of information available on this including EEG Spectrum, and other treatment alternatives are also documented well.

Eating plans and diet improvements can also have significant constructive effects on people with ADD or with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Even though we are reluctant to accept that this involvement can be applied as effectively overall as either Attend and Extress, or a session of EEG Biofeedback methods, we certainly do consider that each person with ADHD should try diet involvement.

A lot of people with ADD and ADHD will be assisted by nutritional supplements. Among the most effective supplements are often Essential Fatty Acids also often known as Omega Oils. It is also important to use supplementary minerals such as Zinc. The 'Attend' nutraceutical will provide the necessary fatty acids. You also get them in Borage Oil or Flax Seed Oil. They can in addition be found in fish, and you can just give your child more of tuna fish to eat.

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Abhishek has got some great ADHD Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 76 Pages Ebook, 'Understanding And Treating ADHD!' from his website .Only limited Free Copies available.