Interesting Facts On ADHD - A Must Know Guide For Parents


Robert William Locke

One of the most interesting facts on ADHD was the story of boy who was misdiagnosed with ADHD and suffered nasty side effects from ADHD medications for a number of years. Thanks to his parents who did some research on ADHD and the facts, they found that the symptoms were caused by a parasite ! Bear in mind that ADHD can mimic other conditions. Here are a few :- the child may be epileptic, may have hearing problems, may have Tourette\'s syndrome or may have a sleeping disorder.

One of the other interesting facts on ADHD is that the drugs industry have made enormous profits from ADHD, simply be producing a class of drugs which range from psychostimulants to anti-depressant drugs and non-stimulant ADHD meds. None of these drugs are capable of curing this disorder nor can they really be an effective treatment on their own. Many children will find relief from their symptoms if they are on these drugs (maybe up to 70 but the side effects and risks are causing concern among a wide variety of stakeholders. These are medical and pediatric groups, parents, some doctors and of course the FDA who have to issue regular warnings on the use of these medications.

One of the other interesting facts on ADHD is that there is now a lot of evidence which shows that obese people have a much higher ratio of ADHD than the regular population. In one study, as many as 32of the obese group had ADHD compared with about 7of the general population. Once these patients were treated for ADHD, they started to lose weight. The desire to snack or nibble was just part of the hyperactive syndrome.

The cause of ADHD is not known but it seems to have been around for quite some time. A quote from Hippocrates describes a similar condition which is astonishingly similar to the symptoms we notice today which can range from non-stop motion, inattention and lack of focus. There is a definite genetic link and exposure to toxins during pregnancy may be another cause.

Yet another one of the interesting facts on ADHD is that ADHD behaviour therapy is supported by most medical associations as an essential element in any ADHD treatment program. Now that ADHD psychostimulants are regarded with some caution which is understandable, natural cures for ADHD which are made from herbal or homeopathic ingredients are gaining enormous popularity. The main reason is that they have no side effects or risks to the child\'s health. Imagine not having to worry about loss of appetite, dosages, sleep problems, drowsiness or suicidal thoughts ! This could be a turning point in your child\'s life.

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About the Author

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children\'s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what Natural ADHD treatment is available.

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